This course is designed to introduce students to qualitative research methods. The course will use a combination of didactic, interactive and applied techniques to teach knowledge and skills relevant to qualitative research. Through the course, students will be expected to conduct their own qualitative study. Students will work individually to collect data through in-depth interviews. Students work in small groups to analyze the data, and present the results of the analysis. Students will submit their interview guides and interview transcripts for evaluation. Students will also learn the basic steps of qualitative data analysis. Students will submit their codebooks, and an analytical product for evaluation. In addition, students will be evaluated on their final presentation, and on their in-class participation.
By the end of the course students will develop skills in how to formulate appropriate qualitative research questions, collect qualitative data using interviews and focus group discussions, and analyze qualitative data. Students will be exposed to different styles of presenting qualitative research results, and will consider different ways in which qualitative data is used in practice. The course has objectives related to both qualitative data collection as well as qualitative data analysis and writing.