The course of Research Methodology for Finance at PhD level aims to equip Doctoral students with knowledge of how to conduct a research in the field of finance. This unit is designed to provide students not only a practical guide of a research process but also techniques to conduct empirical analysis in finance. Thus, upon a completion of the course, learners are expected to be able to understand how to search and review the literature, identify research gaps, write down the research proposal, and collect data for statistical analysis. Learners are also be able to apply econometrics when it is necessary to perform regression for hypothesis testing for various research models in the field of finance, especially the techniques for analysis of panel data regression, regression with limited dependent variables or qualitative explanatory variables. The discussions are focused on practical and contemporary topics in finance using Stata/R-studio/Python at a basic and intermediate levels for quantitative analysis and model estimations to address the research questions in the field that have been raised.