Students can choose one of the two following forms: Internship and Thesis or Industry placement and Report. The Industry placement and Report includes the following aims: the objectives of understanding business, description of the works performed, the role in each task, the achievements of each tasks and important contributions to the intern enterprise. The Internship and Thesis includes the following contents: an overview of the intern unit, the theoretical basis, the application of research issues at the enterprise and finally the presentation of comments and recommendations. Through internship at the enterprise semester, students can apply professional knowledge to perform jobs at a business; compare and contrast what has been learned at the university with the business practices. Thereby, students develop the necessary skills to prepare for their future career; illustrate an understanding of ethical and social responsibilities related to the field of operation of the intern industry. In addition, the aim of writing a graduation thesis or an industry placement report will help students have the writing skills under a professional format.