UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

Financial Economics

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Anh

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

This course provides a rigorous introduction to modern financial knowledge and its applications to the economy and business. In the course, students learn how the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors drive economic policy and financial decision-making, at the same time get a grasb of the financial economic mechanisms using formal models. The topics covered are the efficient markets theory, quantitative methods in finance, risk aversion, portfolio theory, asset pricing models and techniques, behavioral finance theory, an introduction to the economics of financial crises, and investment decisions in the context of uncertainty. Topics include time value of money, an overview of financial instruments, risk and return, theory of investment portfolio, capital allocation and financial structure, capital asset pricing model, efficient market theory.