This module aims to guide students in THQL majors practical skills in modeling and developing IT architectures for businesses. Some frameworks and methodologies for modeling and developing IT architecture for enterprise are also covered through TOGAF and Zachman models. In addition, students are equipped with service-oriented architectural knowledge of the forms of integration in the deployment of complex application systems in enterprises. New architectural directions are also introduced such as cloud computing, shared-nothing architecture, column-based database.
Course content is designed into components in the following order:
• Chapter 1: Introduction to the information system architecture.
• Chapter 2: Building an information system architecture
• Chapter 3: A new approach in information architecture
• Chapter 4: Fundamental issues about corporate information architecture
• Chapter 5: Value domains, Information Management and Security
• Chapter 6: Group information architecture - A conceptual and logical view
• Chapter 7: Corporate Information Architecture - A component model