UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

Forecasting in Business and Economics

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Việt

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

The overall objective of the Forecasting in Business and Economics course is to equip students with analytical skills and practical knowledge to become effective forecasters and data-driven decision makers in business or economic context. The course Forecasting in Business and Economics provides an overview of modern, quantitative, statistical and econometric methods for forecasting and forecast evaluation.

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

Decision-making often requires forecasting the relevant future variables in which a decision is to be made. The Forecasting in business and economics course provides an overview of modern, quantitative, statistical and econometric methods to forecast and evaluate forecasting. Topics include linear regression; modeling and forecasting trends and seasonality; characteristic and forecast cycle; model MA, AR and ARMA; forecasting with regressions; evaluate and combine forecasts.

The course aims to help students apply quantitative forecasting techniques, develop skills to use specialized softwares, develop writing skills in academic, develop information searching and data collection skills, teamwork skills, and English language skills through reading comprehension and reference materials in both English and Vietnamese. The course introduces students to the software as a support tool for statistical processing in order to save time and increase the accuracy of calculation, to familiarize students with reading statistical results calculated from these tools.