UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

National Statistical System

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Việt

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

Học phần Hệ thống thống kê quốc gia cung cấp cho sinh viên hiểu biết về hệ thống thống kê quốc gia về mặt chức năng nhiệm vụ, tổ chức hoạt động và các cơ sở dữ liệu và thông tin./The National Statistical System course provides students with an understanding of the national statistical system in terms of functions, tasks, organization of activities, databases and information.

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

The National Statistical System module provides an overview of the national statistical system as recommended by the United Nations. It includes the basis of official statistics, national statistical systems and statistical agencies, users of national statistical information and the need to use national statistical information. This module also includes the Law on Statistics and the Vietnamese national statistical system, the Vietnamese national statistical indicator system and some major national statistical surveys. This module also includes practicing data mining of the Vietnamese population living standards survey dataset and understanding the meaning of the mining results for business and management.