This course introduces concise knowledge about major art movements and their related cultures across the ages (time dimension) and regions around the world (geographical dimension), and studies when, where and what art movement existed in its associated culture, and how such art has impacted society and world history. It covers not only that from the West (which is typical in many art history classes), but also goes beyond the West to explore arts and their associated cultures in other regions such as Asia (including Vietnam) and Indigenous Americas. As a short course and thus, unable to cover everything, this course will focus more on recent ages such as from the Renaissance and especially from the 19th century to date. Especially given the viewpoint of the focus of CTD on digital technology, latest art movements such as digital art and its associated digital culture will be explored.
Students will embark on methods of discussion, analytical paradigms, guided discovery, and independent learning. These strategies and techniques enable students to develop critical thinking and visual literacy skills with which they can deeply extract meaning from any artwork they encounter throughout their lives.