UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

Corporate Governance and Ethics in Finance

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Anh

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

Mục tiêu môn học là nhằm trang bị cho người học kiến thức về cơ chế giám sát quản trị ở các công ty cổ phần và đạo đức trong tài chính nhằm giảm thiểu những mâu thuẫn tiềm tàng giữa các bên có liên quan đến doanh nghiệp, giảm xung đột lợi ích và từ đó cải thiện thành quả hoạt động của doanh nghiệp, khuyến khích đầu tư, cũng như tối đa hóa lợi ích của các bên có liên quan. Kết quả phân tích sẽ rất hữu ích và sẽ được các nhà quản trị doanh nghiệp, người lao động, nhà cung cấp, nhà đầu tư, các tổ chức tài chính trung gian, các nhà hoạch định chính sách…sử dụng để đưa ra quyết định của mình./ The objective of the course is to equip students with knowledge about the management monitoring mechanism in joint stock companies and ethics in finance to minimize potential conflicts between parties related to the corporation, reduce conflicts of interest and thereby improve the performance of the corporation, encourage investment, as well as maximize the benefits of the parties involved. The analysis results will be useful information used by business administrators, employees, suppliers, investors, financial intermediaries, policymakers, etc., to make decisions.

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

The course is specially designed to equip students with two blocks of knowledge that are important for anyone in the financial sector and also for CFA exam requirements: 1) Corporate Governance is a system of corporate policy, regulation, rules and practices through which it governs and determines how a corporation is directed, controlled and operated. The students are equipped with fundamental knowledge and skills to evaluate the quality of corporate governance at firm level, and how the power is balanced among top management and company stakeholders, and hence, the impact of corporate governance on firm value. This course introduces students to the basics of the corporate governance from various perspectives in terms of ownership structure, the structure and independence of the board of directors, the system of rules and policies that balance the power among top management, shareholders, creditors, employees, governments, other stakeholders, and even the media. The course also focuses on evaluating the effectiveness, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in overseeing and enhancing the quality corporate governance. 2 Ethics in Finance is designed based on the ethical issues that managers and investors are responsible for their decision making, especially, when financial behavior is not controlled and regulated completely by laws and regulations. Financial practices based on ethical standards are very important. It is because of the potential benefits that financial activities can bring to investors. And hence, companies and organizations are encouraged to break the rules and act immorally, causing serious consequences. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge of the fundamentals of financial ethics, ethics in customer relationship, ethics in investment, ethics in the financial markets and ethics in corporate financial management.