UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

Financial Risk Management

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Việt

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

Mục tiêu học phần Quản trị Rủi ro Tài chính nhằm cung cấp cho sinh viên những kiến thức và kỹ năng cần thiết để nhận diện, đo lường, và quản lý các loại rủi ro tài chính mà doanh nghiệp hoặc cá nhân có thể đối mặt.

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

This course is designed to apply theories and methods to the needs of financial risk management. With the development of the financial market and many global financial crises occurring in recent years, financial risk management today is playing an increasingly important role to help financial managers understand types of financial risks and how to deal with them. This course will introduce several strategies to manage financial risk through the use of derivative products including futures, futures, options, and swaps for hedging and managing all kinds of risks due to fluctuations in commodity prices, exchange rates, securities prices, interest rates ... that have adverse effects on performance of businesses and financial institutions. Apart from risk hedging, trading strategies based on the above derivatives are also covered in this course. In addition, the course will present some of the basics of financial risk management techniques and related applications.