UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

Business Planning

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Việt

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

Đây là môn học kết hợp một cách logic kiến thức của các môn chuyên ngành khác như quản trị chiến lược, marketing, nguồn nhân lực, điều hành và tài chính nhằm hình thành một bản kế hoạch thể hiện chi tiết tất cả các mục tiêu, dự định, ngân sách, kết quả kinh doanh và các hoạt động mà doanh nghiệp muốn thực hiện trong kỳ kế hoạch./ The course aims to logically combine knowledge from other specialized subjects such as strategic management, marketing, human resources, operations and finance to form a plan that details all the goals, plans, budgets, business results and activities that the business wants to carry out during the planning period.

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

Business Plan Development is designed and offered to undergraduate students specializing in business administration. This is a course that combines the knowledge of other disciplines such as strategic management, marketing, human resources, manufacturing operations and finance to form a plan that details all the items. your expenses, plans, budget, business results, and activities that the business wants to implement in the planning period.

In addition, this course also assists students in developing skills such as system thinking skills, written communication skills, and more importantly, creating a combination of theory with practice. treatment.