UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

Management of hospital information system

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Việt

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

- Cung cấp nền tảng chung về việc hình thành khái niệm - Hiểu biết về HMIS, công nghệ HMIS và các ứng dụng, - Lập kế hoạch và quản lý dự án phát triển HMIS và cuối cùng - Hiểu biết các tiêu chuẩn HMIS, các vấn đề quản lý, chính sách, toàn cầu hóa và tương lai của HMIS/ - Provide a common foundation for conceptualization - Understanding of HMIS, HMIS technology and applications, - Planning and managing HMIS development projects and ultimately - Understanding HMIS standards, governance issues, policy, globalization and the future of HMIS

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

The 21st century recognizes the positive mix of ideas and knowledge from a wide range of disciplines - including advances in information science and technology, management theory, and information systems implementation. Believe it or not, the combination of health science with computer technology, along with the rise of academic publications and health devices - is beginning to affect the growth of knowledge in the field of Hospital Management Information Area (HMIS).

This course provides learners with an array of knowledge that covers: (1) a general background in imaging into concepts (2) HMIS, HMIS technology and applications, (3) planning and management. project management HMIS evolved and ultimately (4) HMIS standard, managing issues, policy, globalization and the future of HMIS.