This course deals with financial models that apply knowledge learned from textbooks to real life when managers and investors need to make important and reliable financial decisions. Basic concepts and functions in information technology and statistics are combined with financial theories to design data processing models to make important decisions in portfolio management, project risk assessment, option pricing and risk hedging. With the support of financial software, the ability to calculate and process data in financial models is solved quickly and effectively. Therefore, this is a practical course with high practical significance. The course focuses on applying Excel and VBA to financial models of 4 important knowledge areas including: (1) Corporate financial models. (2) Optimal portfolio models and simulation. (3) Option pricing models and simulation. (4) Bond pricing models, investment strategy calculations, and term structure of interest rates. The course also provides basic programming skills in VBA language to help students build self-reliance and expand their knowledge related to quantitative finance to serve their career goals and personal development.