This course provides the basic knowledge of finance - currency such as: The role of money and the financial system; interest rate insights; financial market and information efficiency; asymmetric information and corporate financial structure; banks and financial institutions; monetary policy tools; foreign exchange market and international financial system.
Students have the ability to understand basic information about finance - banking; describe and explain how financial systems and markets work, banking practices and financial institutions; the rotation of financial resources in the financial system; Analyze the benefits and costs of each funding source when choosing the financial structure. Using the knowledge learned from this subject, students can: (i) explain practical problems in the banking and finance sector (such as: choice of financial structure, interest rate fluctuations interest rate, decision to allocate financial resources of financial entities ...); (ii) as a basis for analyzing relevant problems in other subjects. In addition, through active teaching methods and setting the principles to be followed when participating in the subject, students can also develop the ability to think, perfect soft skills as well as attitudes.