UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

International Trade Law

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Việt

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

"Upon completion of the course, students will achieve: Knowledge:Students acquire basic knowledge of international trade law - a necessary requirement in undergraduate training, especially in the context of Vietnam's current deep international economic integration. Students need to have comprehensive knowledge from theory to practice on: (i) Overview of international trade law; (ii) Typical international trade institutions; (iii) WTO law and dispute resolution mechanism; (iv) Law governing international sales contracts and; (v) Resolving international trade disputes between traders, so that they can initially handle basic legal issues arising in the field of training. Skill: - Skills to search, analyze and evaluate international commercial legal documents; - Skills to search, select, read documents and analyze documents (especially foreign documents) on international commercial law; - Skills to apply learned knowledge to handle specific situations and provide professional solutions to solve situations related to international commercial law; - Skills to draft, provide simple advice and manage international sales contracts; - Some other soft skills such as: skills to continuously update knowledge to improve qualifications; work planning skills; communication skills, presentation and defense of one's own point of view; teamwork skills; defense writing skills, fictional presentation skills..."

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

Over decades of the international legal system, International Commercial Law has evolved both in terms of its content and practical application. Since the Uruguay Round established the WTO regime, it is not only about expanding the scope and scope of international trade, but also providing a mechanism for resolving disputes and disagreements to improve the rules of law and build new agreements. Therefore, the course equips students with broad knowledge from the background as well as the structure of the global business system, based on obligations established in international institutions, dispute settlement systems, the intersection of international trade with other international legal institutions, to the final goal of looking towards the future of sustainable development.