UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:


2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Việt

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

Với sự phát triển của ngành CNTT và tiềm năng của mạng máy tính, bao gồm cả mạng nội bộ và mạng toàn cầu, chính phủ điện tử sẽ thay đổi một số phương thức, cấu trúc hoạt động của cơ quan Nhà nước để tạo ra nhiều cơ hội cho người dân có thể tương tác trực tiếp với chính phủ cũng như chính phủ có thể cung cấp các dịch vụ trực tiếp cho người dân của mình. Mục tiêu chung của môn học là trang bị kiến thức và kỹ năng cho sinh viên để hiểu rõ về việc tăng cường năng lực, nâng cao hiệu quả điều hành nhà nước của chính phủ nhằm mang lại thuận lợi cho người dân, gia tăng sự công khai minh bạch và giảm chi tiêu chính phủ./ With the development of the IT industry and the potential of computer networks, including intranets and global networks, e-government will change some methods and structures of State agencies' operations to create more opportunities for people to interact directly with the government as well as for the government to provide direct services to its people. The general objective of the subject is to equip students with knowledge and skills to understand the capacity building, improve the effectiveness of state management of the government to bring convenience to the people, increase transparency and reduce government spending.

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

E-Government is the application of information technology to government activities, provision of public services, and performance of government activities on information technology and telecommunications platforms. 
In the opening chapter, Overview of the state apparatus and e-government, students are equipped with the concepts of the state apparatus, the e-government model and the challenges as well as requirements for e-government solutions. Next, students are equipped with basic knowledge of technology related to Technology and framework architectural of E-Government. In the chapter on Information System in e-government, students will be equipped with knowledge of information, understanding information systems in management and E-government Applications at international or local level in the next chapter. In order to successfully implement e-government, in chapter The factors determining the success of e-government, will discuss about resource factors in general, social factors, ethics, law along with electronic and telecom factors information. To exploit e-government services, students are equipped with knowledge of the e-government's operating model. Students also learn about the process of developing e-Government in Vietnam. In addition to information about the development process, students also learn about the achievements that Vietnam has achieved, learned about the digital government and lessons learned are outlined. In the final chapter, Building and implementing e-government, students will learn about the road map for the development and administration of e-government projects, the situation of e-government development in the world and in Vietnam.