UEH Standard Programs

Brief Course Description

1. Course Title:

Fintech in Banking

2. Language of Instruction:

Tiếng Việt

3. Course Code:


4. Credits:


5. Course Objectives:

Học phần trang bị kiến thức căn bản về Fintech, đặc biệt trong ngân hàng. Hiểu sâu hơn về các hoạt động công nghệ trong tài chính, ngân hàng. Ứng dụng thành thạo các công nghệ AI, KYC, dữ liệu lớn về khách hàng trong hoạt động ngân hàng./ The course provides basic knowledge about Fintech, especially in banking. Deeper understanding of technology activities in finance and banking. Proficient application of AI, KYC, and big customer data technologies in banking operations.

6. Brief Description of Course Content:

The module "Fintech in banking" provides students with basic knowledge about the nature, creative principles, operating tools and the impact relationships between Fintech activities and trends. The future development of money with transaction institutions, products and the structure of financial and banking markets.