Business Law is a modern, active learning, practical survey of the domestic and international law businesspeople should know: choice, formation, structure, operation, taxation, merger of business entities (joint stock companies, corporations, partnerships limited liability companies); comparative legal systems, litigation, remedies, enforcement, conflicts, treaties; alternative dispute resolution (arbitration, mediation, negotiation); contract formation, defenses, common clauses; site leasing, development; sales agreements under UCC/VCL/CISG; warranties, consumer protection, business torts; agency, contracting, employment; intellectual property (trade names, trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets), licensing, registration, enforcement; franchising, distributorships; import/export deals, procedures, customs/duties; negotiable instruments, letters of credit; creditor's rights, secured transactions, bankruptcy. Students learn to find, use, and refer to primary and secondary legal sources; proper procedures, business documents; to identify/reduce risk, obtain insurance; when and how to find and consult competent counsel.