New digital technologies transform the way we live and do business. They also have fundamentally reshaped marketing in the past decade alone. From mobile Internet and smart devices to big data and cloud computing, recent technologies have revolutionized the modes of communication through which businesses and brands engage with consumers.
This course is designed to provide students a detailed, applied perspective on the theory and practice of Digital Marketing. It will teach students how to analyse and manage a business’ online marketing including paid media, owned media, shared media, and earned media. Specifically, the course will cover topics like Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Content Marketing, Word-of-Mouth Marketing, and Branding in the Age of Social Media. The course will combine lectures, case studies, and possibly, guest speakers with relevant industry experience that speak directly to the topics at hand.
Students are also allowed to complete this unit with co-op option. Co-op offers students opportunities to apply what they have been learning in the classroom into a work environment, and apply what they have learned through their work into their studies, enriching learning in both environments.
In addition to applying their classroom learning in meaningful ways within a work environment before graduation, co-op students are able to expand their learning to develop employability and technical skills and knowledge within the work context. Students are able to explore possible career paths through short term placements with a variety of employers in a variety of roles. Expanded professional networks, with opportunities to meet people working within the student’s field and positions of interest, can provide professional references and connections to support seeking after graduation employment. Paid, full-time employment provides income to offset costs of studies.