Brand and Product Management focuses on the role brands and products play in the planning and execution of marketing strategies. Aspects of brand and product management include the building, implementation and maintenance of brands within a range of different contexts are covered in this unit. Students will develop a critical view of the inherent challenges firms encounter in creating and maintaining brands from a marketing perspective. This unit uses workshop sessions and online activities to create an interactive learning environment and bring the content to life.
Students are also allowed to complete this unit with co-op option. Co-op offers students opportunities to apply what they have been learning in the classroom into a work environment, and apply what they have learned through their work into their studies, enriching learning in both environments.
In addition to applying their classroom learning in meaningful ways within a work environment before graduation, co-op students are able to expand their learning to develop employability and technical skills and knowledge within the work context. Students are able to explore possible career paths through short term placements with a variety of employers in a variety of roles. Expanded professional networks, with opportunities to meet people working within the student’s field and positions of interest, can provide professional references and connections to support seeking after graduation employment. Paid, full-time employment provides income to offset costs of studies.