Understanding customer experience over time and customer citizenship behavior in retail environment: The mediating role of customer brand relationship strength
Tạp chí: Cogent Business and Management
Tác giả: PhamThi, H., Ho, T.N.
DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2023.2292487
Năm: 2023
Intangible investments and cost of equity capital: An empirical research on Vietnamese firms
Tạp chí: Cogent Economics and Finance
Tác giả: Thien, T.H., Hung, N.X.
DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2022.2163075
Năm: 2023
A LASSO-based model for financial distress of the Vietnamese listed firms: Does the covid-19 pandemic matter?
Tạp chí: Cogent Economics and Finance
Tác giả: Vu, N.T., Nguyen, N.H., Tran, T., Le, B.T., Vo, D.H.
DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2023.2210361
Năm: 2023
Financial development, income inequality, and institutional quality: A multi-dimensional analysis
Tạp chí: Cogent Economics and Finance
Tác giả: Huynh, C.M., Tran, N.H.
DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2023.2242128
Năm: 2023
Board gender diversity and financial stability: Evidence from microfinance institutions
Tạp chí: Cogent Economics and Finance
Tác giả: Dang, T.T., Ho, T.N.T., Nguyen, D.N.
DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2023.2244860
Năm: 2023
Household electricity consumption: A study on the role of micro-renewable energy systems in Vietnam
Tạp chí: Cogent Economics and Finance
Tác giả: Duy, L.V.Q., Cassells, D., Hanly, J.
DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2023.2261307
Năm: 2023
A novel solution for energy-saving and lifetime-maximizing of LoRa wireless mesh networks
Tạp chí: Journal of Information and Telecommunication
Tác giả: Son, H.H., Tinh, V.P., Dang, D.N.M., Duyen, B.T., Le, D.-D., Dang, T.-T., Nguyen, Q.-H., Pham, T.-Q., Nguyen, V.-L., Khoa, T.A., Hoang Nam, N.
DOI: 10.1080/24751839.2023.2235114
Năm: 2023
The nexus of environmental innovation and circularity: Evidence from European economies
Tạp chí: Sustainable Environment
Tác giả: Bao, N.K.Q., Ha, L.T.
DOI: 10.1080/27658511.2023.2195086
Năm: 2023
Construction of Blowup Solutions for the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with Critical Parameters
Tạp chí: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Tác giả: Duong, G.K., Nouaili, N., Zaag, H.
DOI: 10.1090/MEMO/1411
Năm: 2023
Linking workplace incivility and frontline employees' subjective well-being: the role of work-home enrichment and coping strategies
Tạp chí: Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration
Tác giả: Tam, D.U., Trang, N.T.M.
DOI: 10.1108/APJBA-05-2022-0203
Năm: 2023