Audit partner tenure and earnings management: evidence from Vietnam
Tạp chí: Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting
Tác giả: Tran, T.T.G., Nguyen, T.T., Pham, B.T.N., Tran, P.T.T.
DOI: 10.1108/JFRA-07-2022-0258
Năm: 2023
Applying Benford’s law to examine earnings management: evidence from emerging ASEAN-5 countries
Tạp chí: Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting
Tác giả: Nguyen, L.H.T., Nguyen, T.T., Le, T.V.N., Mai, N.D.
DOI: 10.1108/JFRA-10-2022-0390
Năm: 2023
Antecedents influence choosing tourism destination post-COVID-19: young people case
Tạp chí: Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights
Tác giả: Le, M., Phung, D., Vu, M.Q., Diep, P., Tran, Y., Nguyen, C.
DOI: 10.1108/JHTI-04-2022-0146
Năm: 2023
Overseas management in the English East India Company: a study of the Tonkin factory (1672-1697)
Tạp chí: Journal of Management History
Tác giả: Tran, N.D., Dinh, P.H., Nguyen, D.H.U., Nguyen, V.V.
Năm: 2023
How transformational leadership, workplace spirituality and resilience enhance the service recovery performance of FLEs: a theoretical integration of COR theory and SDT
Tạp chí: Journal of Organizational Effectiveness
Tác giả: Kim Quy, H.T., Tran, M.D., Dinh, T.M.
DOI: 10.1108/JOEPP-11-2022-0346
Năm: 2023
The subsequent effects of negative emotions: from brand hate to anti-brand consumption behavior under moderating mechanisms
Tạp chí: Journal of Product and Brand Management
Tác giả: Rahimah, A., Dang, H.P., Nguyen, T.T., Cheng, J.M.-S., Kusumawati, A.
DOI: 10.1108/JPBM-12-2021-3778
Năm: 2023
Unveiling the effect of benign and malicious envy toward social media influencers on brand choice
Tạp chí: Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing
Tác giả: Wang, T., Thai, T.D.-H., Yeh, R.K.-J., Tamariz Fadic, C.
DOI: 10.1108/JRIM-11-2022-0335
Năm: 2023
Exploring interactions between commuters with disabilities and transport service providers
Tạp chí: Journal of Services Marketing
Tác giả: Mogaji, E., Nguyen, N.P.
Năm: 2023
VIKOR approach for bi-level multi-criteria nonlinear fractional programming problems: new insights
Tạp chí: Kybernetes
Tác giả: Garg, H., Thanh, D.N.H., Rizk-Allah, R.M.
Năm: 2023
A conceptual framework for wisdom-based decision-making process in audit profession
Tạp chí: Library Hi Tech
Tác giả: Nguyen, H.T.L.
Năm: 2023