High-performance human resource management practices and creative organizational climate effects on manufacturing industry performance [Wysoko wydajne praktyki zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi i kreatywny wpływ klimatu organizacyjnego na wyniki przemysłu wytwórczego]
Tạp chí: Polish Journal of Management Studies
Tác giả: Dang, T.M.H., Tran, T.T.H., Tran, A.H.
DOI: 10.17512/pjms.2021.23.2.05
Năm: 2021
The impact of institutional pressures and top management regulations on firm performance [Wpływ presji instytucjonalnych i przepisów najwyższego zarządu na wyniki firmy]
Tạp chí: Polish Journal of Management Studies
Tác giả: Dinh, C.K., Ngo, Q.T.
DOI: 10.17512/pjms.2021.23.2.06
Năm: 2021
Agricultural trade, foreign direct investment and inclusive growth in developing countries: evidence from West Africa
Tạp chí: Transnational Corporations Review
Tác giả: Osabohien, R., Iqbal, B.A., Osabuohien, E.S., Khan, M.K., Nguyen, D.P.
DOI: 10.1080/19186444.2021.1936986
Năm: 2021
Employees’ psychological capital, burnout, and quality of work-life in vietnamese enterprises: Moderating effects of individual and organisational characteristics
Tạp chí: Asian Academy of Management Journal
Tác giả: Nguyen, M.H., Ngo, V.M.
Năm: 2021
Impacts of openness on financial development in developing countries: Using a Bayesian model averaging approach
Tạp chí: Cogent Economics and Finance
Tác giả: Thi Thuy, D.P., Nguyen Trong, H.
DOI: 10.1080/23322039.2021.1937848
Năm: 2021
The Influence of Political Uncertainty on Commercial Banks in Emerging Market Countries
Tạp chí: International Journal of Public Administration
Tác giả: Doong, S.-C., Doan, A.-T.
DOI: 10.1080/01900692.2021.1941100
Năm: 2021
Cognitive financial constraints and firm growth
Tạp chí: Small Business Economics
Tác giả: Du, J., Nguyen, B.
DOI: 10.1007/s11187-021-00503-7
Năm: 2021
Exploring the convergence of per capita electricity consumption in ASEAN countries: a spatial econometric analysis
Tạp chí: Applied Economics Letters
Tác giả: Ngoc, B.H., Khoi, N.H.
DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2021.1939852
Năm: 2021
Impacting training service quality on students’ satisfaction at universities in Dong Nai Province
Tạp chí: Academy of Strategic Management Journal
Tác giả: Hieu, H.T., Huan, N.Q., Phong, V.T.
Năm: 2021
Factors influencing brand strength: A case study of commercial banks in Ho Chi Minh City
Tạp chí: Academy of Strategic Management Journal
Tác giả: Van Son, H., Van Trai, N., Van, N.T.
Năm: 2021