UEH Events

JABES Seminar Talks 2022 (JST 2022) | June Talks
  • 29 Jun 2022
  • 2022

JABES Seminar Talks 2022 (JST 2022) | June Talks

Hosted by Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES)

  • Time: 2:30 PM (Indochine Time GMT+7) – Wednesday, June 29, 2022 (updated)
  • Platform: Online via Zoom.

***Note: Within 3 days of JST 2022 | June Talks, JST Organizing Committee will send an email with the detailed program to the participants.

Topic: Is Bitcoin a better portfolio diversifier than gold? A copula and sectoral analysis

Keynote speaker: Prof. Wing-Keung Wong

  Chair Professor of Finance, Asia University, Taiwan

  Adjunct Professor, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

For further information: Prof. Wing-Keung Wong obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the USA with a major in Business Statistics (Statistics and Finance) and obtained his Bachelor degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Currently, he is a Chair Professor at the Department of Finance, Asia University. He was a Full Professor at the Department of Economics, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Deputy Director at Risk Management Institute, National University of Singapore. He appears in “Who’s Who in the World”. He is in the list of top Taiwan economists and Asian economists and top economists by RePEc. He has published more than four hundred papers. He has more than 11600, 9900, and 4500 citations in Google Scholar, Researchgate, and Scopus, respectively. He has been serving as editor, advisor, and associate editor for some international journals.

For registration and more detailed information, you can use this link: shorturl.at/kxJOY

All new information relating to JABES SEMINAR TALKS will be updated in real-time on:

Thank you very much.
