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Annual international conference on Economy, Law, and Government 2024 (ELG2024): “Approaches to the twin transition – Digitalization and climate change in developing countries”

Annual international conference on Economy, Law, and Government 2024 (ELG2024): “Approaches to the twin transition – Digitalization and climate change in developing countries”

On July 30th, 2024, the Annual International Conference on Economics, Law, and Government 2024 (ELG2024) was officially held by the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH). The conference, themed "Approaches to The Twin Transition: Digitalization and Climate Change in Developing Countries," serves as a crucial international forum where experts convene to share knowledge, experiences, and new initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable development through digitalization and measures to mitigate the impact of climate change.

Overview of ELG2024 conference at UEH

Digitalization is attracting global attention, deeply affecting many fields from administration, education, healthcare, to industry and commerce. Countries are actively implementing e-government services, online learning platforms, telemedicine, and smart city projects to improve management efficiency and improve quality of life. According to the World Economic Forum 2022, digital solutions can reduce global emissions by 20%. Therefore, digitalization really plays an important role in supporting sustainable growth in the context of needing to accelerate action to respond to global climate change. With this twin transition approaches, business leaders and policymakers can operate an integrated program of digital transformation and sustainable development to drive technical tools. Digital technology serves the process of achieving sustainable development goals, ensuring a stronger foundation for their organization in the future.

The twin transition approach believes that combining digital transformation and green transformation can bring great benefits to sustainable development instead of approaching digital and sustainability separately. The twin transition can create a positive impact by greening technology and infrastructure while promoting sustainability across the entire organization. In fact, despite some organizations recognizing the urgency of the twin transition, many units still face numerous challenges due to inconsistent approaches, the complexity of implementation, accountability requirements, or conflicts between strategic priorities.

On that basis, the College of Economics, Law and Government, member of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH-CELG) organized the ELG International Conference 2024 with the topic: "Approaches to the Twin Transition – Digitalization and Climate Change in Developing Countries”.

Overview of the opening session of the ELG 2024 international conference

Speaking at the opening of the conference, Prof.Dr.Su Dinh Thanh - Director of UEH shared: “The theme of this year's conference is “A Dual Transformation Approach: Digitalization and Climate Change in Developing Countries” which is of particular importance. These dual transformations represent some of the most important challenges and opportunities of our time. Digitalization has the potential to transform economies, increase efficiency and improve the quality of life. At the same time, climate change requires urgent and sustainable solutions to ensure prosperity for future generations. Solving these problems in the context of developing countries is even more complex and urgent. Therefore, the presence of experts, scientists and speakers at this conference is of great significance, together discussing and sharing practical initiatives and feasible solutions to promote sustainable development in developing countries and globally. This is also the mission that UEH has set out in our development strategy and is striving to fulfill."

Prof.Dr.Su Dinh Thanh - Director of UEH gave a speech at the opening of the conference

The ELG 2024 conference would be an important international forum where experts can share knowledge, experiences and new initiatives to promote sustainable development through digitalization and impact mitigation measures. impacts of climate change. The conference featured keynote speakers, including:

1. Spear Professor Ulrike Grote - Leibniz University of Hannover with the topic “Climate change, internet use and long-term welfare dynamics in rural Southeast Asia”. The presentation session would provide insights into the resilience of rural households to climate change and offer solutions for adapting to the rapidly advancing digital era globally.

2. Spear Master Niloufer Selvadurai - Dai Macquarie University, Australia with the topic “Developing a Legal Framework for the use of Artificial Intelligence to Drive Economic Progress”. This topic was expected to generate extensive discussion among speakers and attendees, focusing on the legal responsibilities of organizations and individuals when using AI in critical economic decisions. Additionally, AI reform policies concerning the adjustment and updating of regulations and practices related to artificial intelligence will be examined in depth to ensure the responsible, safe, and effective use of this technology.

3. Spear Professor Almas Heshmati - Jönköping University, Switzerland Dictionary with the topic “Digital and Climate Frontiers: strategies for developing countries ". This research provided valuable insights into developing digital technology and climate change strategies for developing countries. This was an important field where technology integration can help improve resource efficiency and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Potential strategies included leveraging information and communication technologies to tackle environmental challenges, fostering innovation in sustainable development, and advancing recycling and energy efficiency projects.

Professor Ulrike Grote presents the topic “Digitalization: Opportunities and Risks for Sustainability”

Professor Almas Heshmati presents the topic “Digital and Climate Frontiers: strategies for developing countries"

The ELG Annual International Conference2024 received the participation of more than 120 articles from authors from many countries, with diverse topics including climate change, environmental sustainability, law methods and digital transformation. The content of the discussions also focused on aspects such as legal framework, economic policy, innovation in agriculture and technology adaptation. In particular, two research papers “Relationship between education, internet access and ASEAN migration – a gravity approach” by the group of authors Ho Nguyen Hoang Phuc, Ho Hoang Anh, Ho Quoc Thong and “School of Public Finance, College of Economics, Law and Government, UEH-Does e-government facilitate the deployment of renewable energy?” by the group of authors Doan Vu Nguyen, Nguyen Phuc Canh were voted by the Scientific Council as excellent research papers of the ELG 2024 Conference.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Khanh Nam and Dr. Tran Thi Tuan Anh awarded the Best Papers of the ELG 2024 Conference

In addition to the 3 plenary sessions, 104 articles were selected to be presented in 26 parallel sessions on July 30 and 31, 2024. In particular, there were 9 parallel sessions dedicated to the field of Law and legality: to highlight the important role of legal research in the context of twin transition. Parallel sessions on significant global topics at the conference provided researchers with opportunities to expand their professional knowledge, share and contribute academic values. Additionally, these sessions offered a platform for establishing connections with experts who have similar research interests.

Head of the Organizing Committee, Assoc.Prof.Pham Khanh Nam - Rector of the College of Economics, Law and Government, Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics said: "The ELG 2024 Annual International Conference is an annual event that not only provides opportunities for experts to meet and exchange ideas but also contributes practical solutions for the future of developing countries amidst the current twin transition. This year's conference presentations highlight various perspectives and expertise in the fields of climate change, environmental sustainability, renewable energy, and digital transformation. With numerous researchers from around the world participating, the ELG 2024 Annual International Conference aims to enhance our understanding of the role of digitalization and climate change in contemporary economic development. Participants will gain academic and policy insights into these dual transitions, particularly their impact on developing countries.”

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Khanh Nam introduces the objectives, significance and structure of the ELG 2024 conference program

The ELG 2024 Annual International Conference provided a valuable networking opportunity, serving as a forum for researchers to exchange ideas, build academic relationships, and foster an academic community. This event significantly benefits early-career researchers, offering a trustworthy and rewarding annual activity to enhance their knowledge, interact with numerous experts, and explore potential paths in their academic careers.

Additional photos at the Conference:

The opening session of the ELG2024 conference took place on the morning of July 30, 2024

Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh presents souvenirs to the main speakers of the conference

Delegates take souvenir photos at the opening session

Dr. Lu Lam Uyen chaired the discussion session of Keynote Speaker - Professor Niloufer Selvadurai - Macquarie University, Australia with the topic "Developing a Legal Framework for the use of Artificial Intelligence to Drive Economic Progress"

Professor Ulrike Grote and participants at the parallel session

Professor Almas Heshmati shared at the parallel discussion session with the topic “Regulatory issues in governance”

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Thi Mai Hoai, Chair of the discussion session “Sustainable and Environmental policy”

Authors, participants at parallel discussion sessions

Delegates take souvenir photos at the closing session of the conference on July 31, 2024

All delegates, speakers, guests and the Organizing Committee took souvenir photos at the plenary sessions

Photos and news: UEH Department of Marketing and Communications, CELG Office