UEH News

The 1st Opening Ceremony of the Doctoral and Master’s Degree Program 2023

The 1st Opening Ceremony of the Doctoral and Master’s Degree Program 2023

17 May, 2023

On the morning of May 14, 2023, at Hall A1.16, University of Economics . Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) solemnly held the 2nd Opening Ceremony of the Doctoral Program, Batch 2022, and Master’'s Degree Program Batch 33.1.

Attending the Opening Ceremony, on the UEH leadership side, there was the attendance of: Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - President; Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President; Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Vice President; with the presence of the Board of Directors of UEH Mmember Ccolleges and the teachersLecturers, representatives of the leaders of UEHthe Ddepartments, dDivisions and Uunits of UEHthe University, Institute and Schools, and especially the presence of 365 Mmaster students (Bbatch K33.1) and 39 Ddoctoral candidates.

Overview of the opening ceremony

365 graduate students of the 1st Postgraduate Admissions in 2023 at UEH have successfully passed the rigorous English and GMAT tests to be admitted to 2 applied and research Master's programs. Training majors include Accounting, Marketing, Human Resources Management, Public Management (Vinh Long), Information and Media Design Technology, Sustainable Corporate and Environmental Management, Hospital Management, Economics and health Management, Constitutional & Administrative Law (Vinh Long), Mathematical Economics, Banking (Vinh Long) and Political Eeconomy.

For In terrms of the Ddoctoral program, 39 candidates were admitted in: Accounting; Business Administration; Finance - Banking; Economic Development; Political Economics; Economic Law; Statistics.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the first graduate training course in 2023, Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh – UEH President of the school- shared: “As the earliest graduate training institution in the Ssouthern region with more than 33 years of graduate training, UEH has educated more than 15,000 Masters and more than 540 doctors., Tthey have been are promoting their role very well in central, local and corporate agencies, contributing to the development of the country. UEH's postgraduate training program aims to produce Mmasters and Ddoctors of economics who master theory, have a high level of practice, and are able to work independently, creatively and competently, detect and solve problems in the field of training. In particular, in recent years, UEHthe University has continuously invested in innovating programs and teaching methods, building a data system for teaching and learning according to international standards; promoting and improving the quality of scientific research activities, increasing international publication; expanding international cooperation activities; expanding training ac. Accordance withcording toin international programs in English at Bbachelor's, Mmaster's and Ddoctoral levels and so on.... Along with the internationalization process, UEH is implementing a strategy of restructuring, forming a multidisciplinary university with an academic reputation in the region. Therefore, students can rely on and be proud when studying in a prestigious, socially recognized school that has been positioned as a high-quality school in the business community and management agencies in Vietnam, gradually making its name in the regional and world market. After completing the Master and Doctoral training program, I do believe that you will better promote your role in practical work in domestic and foreign enterprises or management agencies, have the conditions and bravery to contribute your wisdom to develop the local and national economy, contributing to bringing Vietnamese brands to the global market.”

Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh -– UEH President of the school- deliveringed the opening speech

Continuing the program, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ho Viet Tien - Director of UEHthe Graduate School announced the admission decisions of the students of the 1st Doctoral and Master's Program in 2023.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ho Viet Tien - Director of UEHthe Graduate School - announcinged the admission decision

Also within the framework of the program, the leaders of the Graduate School and other Uunits disseminated the Training Regulations, the regulations on registration of courses to the students of the Master's training program; disseminated regulations on doctoral training and introduced the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) to graduate students.

Leaders of the Graduate School disseminatinged the regulations to doctoral and master's students

Introducing the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES)

Over 47 years of establishment and development, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City has gradually affirmed the brand name of a typical and important university in the Vietnamese education system. UEH has been making contributions to training high-quality human resources in various fields, including economics, business, public management, economic management, law, technology and design for both the public and private sectors of the country, with an emphasis on international integration. In particular, as the first graduate training institution in the southern region, UEHthe University has trained more than 15,000 Masters in 33 years of operation. In addition, the school UEH is currently trainings more than 30 graduate majors to serve the needs of high-quality human resources of agencies, businesses, universities, schools and colleges.

Some more Additional pictures regardingaboutco the opening ceremony:

News, photos: UEH Department of Marketing and Communication, UEH Graduate School