UEH News

Workshop on career orientation in the AI ​​era

Workshop on career orientation in the AI ​​era

13 Dec, 2023

On November 30th, at Avenue B1.205, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, the School of Banking, successfully organized a career orientation workshop - Future of Finance in the Age of AI. To help students have a comprehensive view of the impact of AI on the labor market, as well as exchange, learn, and answer questions about this model with many experts in the field. At the Workshop, speakers shared the development trends of finance and banking and career orientation in the AI ​​era, such as essential knowledge and skills for students. They also shared valuable advice and experiences to help students prepare better for their future careers.

The opening and welcoming of guests took place solemnly

The program opened with an exceptional musical performance from the School of Banking Arts Team. The song's lyric melody and sweet voice stirred up the atmosphere for the show.

Exceptional performance by the Arts Team of the School of Banking

At the Workshop, the School of Banking was honored to welcome the presence of speakers from Singapore: Mr. Jeffrey Nah - Founder & CEO of JN Capital & Development Advisory & Future Ready Academy, and Mr. Jerry Lim - Regional Director of GRAB Southeast Asia and Ms. Kingsley Wang - Business Consultant at JN Capital & Development Advisory & Future Ready Academy. Besides, the Workshop was also pleased to receive the participation of lecturers from the School of Banking, including Dr. Phan Chung Thuy - Vice Dean; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Anh - Senior Lecturer; Dr. Pham Thi Anh Thu - Senior Lecturer; Dr. Pham Khanh Duy - Deputy Head of International Banking Dept.

Speakers and lecturers at the Workshop

The tendency of establishing digital banks by companies outside the industry

The program opened with a sharing from Mr. Jerry Lim - Regional Director of GRAB Southeast Asia. With more than 20 years of experience in various fields, including business, production and quality management, sales and marketing, human resource development, and operations, he brings new perspectives and insights into the development tendency of digital banking.

Mr. Jerry Lim shares new perspectives on the development tendency of digital banking

Mr. Jerry Lim emphasized that the development trend of digital banking is happening intensely around the world, and Vietnam is no exception. This tendency includes the rise of e-commerce and digital payments, underserved customer segments, and advances in crucial financial technologies. He also shared the challenges non-banking companies face when entering the digital banking sector. However, he confirmed this is a positive trend and believed non-banking companies can bring innovations and competition to the banking industry. Mr. Jerry Lim shared his experiences and lessons while establishing and developing digital banking at Grab Singapore and Indonesia, and he said, "To be successful in this field, banks need to combine the expertise of experts in the banking sector with the creativity and innovation of technology companies."

Mr. Jerry Lim's sharing received much attention and appreciation from the attending delegates. He contributed to the program with new and profound perspectives on the development trend of digital banking.

Dr. Pham Khanh Duy discussed and shared his view with Mr. Jerry Lim

Students listen to Mr. Jerry Lim's sharing

Development  tendency and career orientation for potential bankers in the AI ​​era

The program was followed by an inspiring talk by Mr. Jeffrey Nah - a visionary investor with 40 years of experience in investment in many countries and territories of the Pacific region. He is also a former banker and businessman with extensive experience in technology, education, health care, security, and communications. Mr. Jeff is also a lecturer and mentor to young entrepreneurs. He is very interested in developing the young generation through technology and innovation. Mr. Jeff emphasized that the AI ​​era is changing the Finance and Banking industry. He believes AI has the potential to impact every aspect of the industry, from customer services to risk management.

Mr. Jeff shares the development trends of AI in the new era.

Mr. Jeff shared some of the main development trends of the finance and banking industry in the AI ​​era and their impacts on career opportunities and significant challenges when working in the finance-banking sector in the digital technology age. Banks must now seize these opportunities and prepare for these challenges by investing in AI technology and developing human resources with the right skills.

Mr. Jeff shares the opportunities and challenges of the Finance - Banking industry in the AI ​​era.

Asking and answering questions from experts

With the experience accumulated during their working lives, the knowledge shared by the distinguished guests has brought the students incredibly new perspectives on career opportunities and challenges that AI can cause. Students' questions were answered carefully by the speakers and the lecturers, from which they learned more knowledge and skills to prepare well for their future careers.

Mr. Jeff talked and answered questions from students.

Students ask questions about Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The representative of the School of Banking sent sincere thanks to the speakers.

Dr. Phan Chung Thuy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quoc Anh and Dr. Pham Khanh Duy at the Workshop

Memorable moments at the Workshop

With the pervasive appeal of the speakers and teachers' sharing and the enthusiastic responses of more than 100 students, the Workshop brought an incredibly vibrant atmosphere and left unforgettable emotions. Through the Workshop, students learned a lot of essential knowledge skills. They gained new perspectives on AI to prepare themselves for future career opportunities and development tendencies in the banking and finance industry.

News, photos: UEH School of Banking