UEH News

A Memorial Summer School on Discrete Choice Experiments organized at UEH

A Memorial Summer School on Discrete Choice Experiments organized at UEH

From June 10th to June 14th, 2024, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), in collaboration with the Economy and Environment Partnership for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) and the Environment for Development (EfD) center in Vietnam, hosted a successful Summer School on Discrete Choice Experiments (DCE). This event brought together early-career researchers from Southeast Asia to deepen their understanding of DCE methodologies and their applications in various disciplines, including environmental valuation, health, public policy, and development.

The workshop received over 180 applications from Southeast Asian countries, highlighting the strong interest in DCE methodologies. However, only 30 candidates were selected to ensure a high-quality, interactive learning experience.

The workshop was led by esteemed resource persons: Prof. Petr Mariel from the University of the Basque Country, Dr. Juergen Meyerhoff from the Berlin School of Economics and Law, and Prof. Sven Anders from the University of Alberta. Their collective expertise provided participants with a comprehensive and robust learning experience. From UEH, there was the presence of Assoc.Prof. Pham Khanh Nam - Rector of UEH College of Economics, Law and Government; Dr. Tran Thi Tuan Anh - Vice Rector of UEH College of Economics, Law and Government; Mr. Huynh Thuc Dinh - Acting Head of CELG Office and MA. Le Thanh Nhan - EEPSEA Deputy Director.

Prof. Pham Khanh Nam started the course with an enthusiastic opening speech

Participants explored the theoretical foundations of DCEs, practical steps for conducting choice experiments, advanced econometric models, and the limitations of the DCE approach. The course was designed using R open access software, with demonstrations on the Survey Engine platform. The instruction effectively combined theory, examples, and hands-on exercises to facilitate practical application.

The workshop featured interactive sessions, including hands-on activities and real-world applications, fostering a collaborative learning environment. Participants worked hard, fully participated, and actively engaged in discussions throughout the workshop.

Prof. Petr Mariel answered the participants’ questions

Prof. Sven Anders actively engaged in a discussion with participants

Dr. Juergen Meyerhoff listened carefully to the questions asked by the participants

Question and answer sessions between the participants and the three resource persons

At the end of the workshop, participants submitted a concept note with a draft design of a DCE as a practical application of their newly acquired skills. This exercise encouraged them to engage deeply with the materials and think critically about their research applications. Resource persons will assist in developing promising concept notes into full research proposals.

Participants expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn from leading experts and highlighted the practical relevance of the skills gained. Many noted the value of the hands-on approach and the applicability of DCE methodologies to their respective fields. The Summer  School 2024 ended with such an emotional closing ceremony where Prof. Petr Mariel, Dr. Juergen Meyerhoff and Prof. Sven Anders proudly handed out certificates of appreciation to the participants. With much appreciation to the researchers for their efforts, digital thank you notes written by the participants were shown to the researchers at the end.

As a commitment, Ms. Pek Chuen Khee - Taylor University, Malaysia shared: “The world needs choice modelers and I thank you, Professors Mariel, Meyerhoff and Anders for the generosity in sharing your invaluable knowledge and expertise with all of us in this Summer School. It will be a long way for me to master the economics and use of R software but I am determined to work on them to make my understanding of the choice experiment complete. Professors, thank you for inspiring me further and I wish you all the very best of health and wealth. To UEH, EEPSEA, and EfD, I thank you for allowing me to participate in my first Summer School.”

Likewise, Ms. Dao Tran, ISB-UEH shared: “The Summer School has provided me with deep knowledge and a broad application of DCE methods. I very much appreciate this opportunity to learn from gurus in the field and discuss our ideas and projects. From fruitful discussions, we are able to conduct a DCE research in an efficient manner. Also, the summer school is a great environment for us to discuss statistical methods and research design practices that can be applied to our existing and future projects. My deepest thanks to professors, organizers, and researchers for the wonderful sharing.”

Assoc. Prof. Pham Khanh Nam handed the certificate of contributions as an appreciation to the resource persons on the last day of class

The Summer School on Discrete Choice Experiments successfully provided participants with valuable tools and knowledge to advance their research and contribute to sustainable development in Southeast Asia. The event fostered a sense of community and collaboration among early-career researchers, setting the stage for future research endeavors and policy actions.

Professors, participants and organizers took a picture together

Images of professors and participants at the Gala Dinner on the last day of Summer School:

News and photo: UEH CELG