UEH News

Enhancing the quality of service for learners, officials, employees, and partners: UEH implementing the variety of forms  in terms of receiving and handling support requests

Enhancing the quality of service for learners, officials, employees, and partners: UEH implementing the variety of forms in terms of receiving and handling support requests

Aiming to improve the quality of care service and support for contacts (learners, officials, employees, and partners), in 2024, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) has applied technology and improved the management system, partner care, customer relationship management (CRM) by implementing various forms of receiving and resolving contact requests on the CRM system.

As part of the university's digital transformation strategy, since 2022, UEH has launched the Knowledge Repository - an electronic information portal to support learners, officials, employees, and partners in searching for information and actively looking up relevant content quickly, aiming to digitize the majority of work transactions at UEH (recording requests, processing, providing services, electronic authentication and so on). The Knowledge Repository also allows users to log in to submit requests for information which has not been found yet or contains inaccurate instructional content. Thereby, it provides feedback to improve implementation processes, becoming an important resource and effective support for the process of providing information, care, and service to contacts regarding activities and professional competence at UEH.

Continuing to improve the quality of care and support, addressing in-depth and personalized inquiries from learners, officials, employees, and partners, and meeting expectations for a professional and quality service environment, since May 2024, UEH will diversify the forms of receiving and handling user support requests through various channels, specifically:

1) Enhancing the utilization of the Knowledge Repository (https://hotro.ueh.edu.vn) to receive information and carry out transactions (if any) according to instructions;

2) Online contact at all times in all places through the UEHer application (for officials, workers) or UEH Student (for learners) or the website https://hotro.ueh.edu.vn/lien-he-phong-ban (for external guests);

3) UEH hotline - 028 7306 1976;

4) Direct contact at the working offices of the units;

5) Email and unit-managed fan pages integrated into the CRM system. Learners who send emails (@st.ueh.edu.vn) to the units will automatically create transaction tickets on the CRM for tracking and processing. 

The synchronized and diversified implementation of various forms, along with the increased use of the multi-channel Customer Relationship Management (CRM), helps UEH receive information 24/7, centrally and quickly process requests from learners, officials, employees, and partners. Contacts can track the processing progress through email/app and evaluate the service quality of UEH after the transaction. As a result, the quality of care and support activities is enhanced, from content classification to automated assignment to units and individuals, ensuring quick, clear monitoring of the processing progress and evaluation of service quality. Units/Departments participating in care and support tasks using the shared system help UEH achieve modern management goals through digital operation and storage.

Accordingly, the UEH Knowledge Repository will continuously update regulations, rules, procedures, and operational instructions, integrating them into each unit's website to ensure timely, complete, and accurate information provision to users.

At the same time, UEH uses the telephone number "028 7306 1976" (referred to as the UEH Hotline) to route calls to the necessary functional units, helping contacts save time and increase flexibility in call management. Customers/partners, officials, and learners can look up UEH's contact information in the Knowledge Repository (https://hotro.ueh.edu.vn), dial the internal extension they need to contact, or call directly the functional units to receive information and prompt feedback.

Hotline operators receiving calls and support contacts

In the meantime, UEH implements a model for recording and processing online support requests anytime, anywhere through the UEHer application (for officials, employees) or UEH Student (for learners) or the website https://hotro.ueh.edu.vn/lien-he-phong-ban (for external guests); and directly at the working offices. The specific steps are as follows:

  • Step 1: Learners/officials, employees open the UEH Student/UEHer application, go to the "Direct Contact UEH" section. Online contacts access the Knowledge Repository, go to the Contact Department/Unit section => Select the Department/Unit to contact. When visiting UEH units, customers scan the QR code attached to each office;
  • Step 2: Learners, officials, employees, and online contacts provide information if there are any requests and select the type of service needed from the list.
  • Step 3: Learners, officials, employees, and online contacts receive processing notifications via email or are directed to the designated desk according to the system's instructions for support.
  • Step 4: After completing the contact, online contacts/officials/learners evaluate the service quality via email to improve and to enhance the service quality at UEH.

All customer/partner contact information, as well as information provided by employees/students, is guaranteed to be kept confidential and used for the proper purposes.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice Director of UEH - stated: "In implementing the digital transformation strategy, UEH has continuously exploited and applied information technology to improve service quality and meet the needs of students, employees, and contacts in the best possible way. Up to now, UEH has deployed many intelligent services to serve users, especially the development of a synchronized Knowledge Repository, multi-channel CRM, encouraging users to actively search for information, contributing to the training of global UEH generations, confidence in action, spreading positive values, and sustainable development. By 2024, UEH will enhance the exploitation of the Knowledge Repository, connect it with the CRM system, and implement various forms of receiving, processing, and answering inquiries, listed as using a hotline and applying an online support request recording model directly at the offices of the units - connected to the CRM system. This effort aims to best serve the needs of contacts/UEHers, to improve the quality and professionalism of UEH’s care and support activities, and strive to become an intelligent and sustainable university."

With a new journey and a strategy of a Multi-disciplinary and Sustainable University, supported by a modern technology platform, UEH will continuously upgrade and enhance the experience of caring for and supporting learners, officials - employees, partners, and contacts, living up to the position of a modern, key, and leading university.

Please refer to the following instructions:

Students/officials, employees can perform the following steps on the UEH student/UEHer app under the Contact UEH section:

  • Steps 1, 2, 3: Select the Department/Division to contact → Select the category that needs support

  • Steps 4, 5: Enter a summary of the support needed → Receive the result and navigate to the workspace of the responsible specialist if contacting directly

External contacts can submit online requests on the website https://hotro.ueh.edu.vn under the Contact Department section, selecting the department to contact,

or scan the QR Code arranged at the units when contacting directly at the office:

  • Steps 2, 3: Select the target → Select the category that needs support

  • Steps 4, 5: Enter personal information and a summary of the support needed → Receive the result and navigate to the workspace of the responsible specialist if contacting directly

News and photos: UEH Department of Marketing and Communications, UEH Department of Student Affairs