UEH News

More than 700 high school students participating in the experience program "Exploring Potential with UEH"

More than 700 high school students participating in the experience program "Exploring Potential with UEH"

On January 20 and 21, 2024, more than 700 students from Bui Thi Xuan High School, Lam Dong and Chi Lang High School, Gia Lai visited University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) to participate in the experience program "Exploring Potential with UEH".

With the desire to accompany high schools in career orientation and, at the same time create conditions for students to experience the university environment, support them in determining their learning goals and choosing a suitable career, every year, UEH cooperates with high schools to organize career orientation activities for 12th-grade students.

The most recent is the program for 400 students of Bui Thi Xuan High School, Lam Dong on January 20, 2024 and the program for 300 students of Chi Lang High School, Gia Lai on January 21, 2024. 2024. The studnets had the opportunity to visit UEH's facilities, classroom areas, self-study rooms, and UEH digital traditional rooms, listen to and learn about the admission message "I am who I choose to be" to explore and freely to express themself, freely to define their future and to inspire to change life for the better.

The students visited the facilities at UEH

In addition, to help the students better understand UEH's majors and partly orient their interests and abilities before entering the university environment, during the tour, UEH specially organized the sharing session "Exploring Potential with UEH". Through this, the students have been provided with UEH admissions information listed as introductions to programs from 03 UEH member colleges, schools, institutes, and Vinh Long Campus. They had the opportunity to ask questions concerning the process of choosing majors and schools, as well as better understanding student life and study opportunities at UEH.

In particular, accompanying them on the path to understanding UEH as well as the major and job market, the team of lecturers from UEH departments, schools, and institutes enthusiastically advised and introduced the specialized page "Understanding about you" for the students to refer to, clearly orienting their personal interests and passions to pursue.

UEH lecturers enthusiastically advised and answered students' questions

Hopefully, through this experience, the students will discover themselves, and find and make the correct career choices that suit their personality. UEH wishes the students to always promote creativity, dynamism, hard work, study and prepare well for exams!

Additional photos:

1.  Students of Bui Thi Xuan High School, Lam Dong visiting and experiencing at UEH on January 20, 2024

2. Students of Chi Lang High School, Gia Lai visiting and experiencing at UEH on January 21, 2024

News and photos: UEH Department of Student Affairs, UEH Department of Marketing and Communications