04 Feb, 2025
In 2024, the scientific research activities of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) continued to obtain important achievements, affirming the UEH team's continuous efforts in enhancing academic reputation, expanding the impact and transferring knowledge to the community. These results not only demonstrate UEH's strong commitment to realizing the strategic goal of becoming a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University but also emphasize UEH's pioneering role in solving local and global issues. Over the past year, the team of researchers at UEH continued to be encouraged and oriented to conduct scientific research and consulting projects of high practical value, bringing positive impacts to society. These efforts have been contributing to promoting sustainable development while affirming UEH as a leading center of knowledge and innovation serving the development of Ho Chi Minh City and beyond in the international arena.
In 2024, UEH participated for the first time and achieved a ranking of Top 501-600 of the world's Best Universities on the THE World University Ranking 2025, and ranked first in Vietnam. In Asia, UEH is ranked 369 on the QS Asia rankings. For sustainability activities, this year, UEH increased 200 places to the Top 650 in the world and Top 162 in Asia for Sustainable Universities, according to the QS World Ranking Sustainability 2025, while maintaining a ranking of 401+ on the THE Impact Ranking. UEH also submitted data for the first time to participate in the UI Green Metrics World University ranking in October 2024. In terms of rankings by training field, UEH's Finance program is ranked 38th in the world, higher than that of Oxford (ranked 40th) and several other famous universities, according to the ARWU 2025 Rankings. This has been the best achievement of a university in Vietnam up to the current time. In the QS WUR ranking by Subject, the university's ranking of Economics & Econometrics has also increased continuously, ranked 301-350 in the world. These results not only demonstrate UEH's training and research capacity but also demonstrate the university's commitment to implementing the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University strategy, using knowledge as a foundation to solve social challenges and to create positive impacts.
Regarding international publications, UEH has more than 500 international articles published in prestigious journals in the Web of Science, Scopus, ABDC. In addition to the increasing number of international publications, the quality of international publications is also increasingly improved. The Scopus database indicates that UEH has more than 85% of articles published in journals ranked in Q1 (top 25%) and Q2 (top 26%-50%) of Scopus journals. More than 80% of UEH's articles are published in journals of prestigious international publishers recognized by the State Council of Professors such as Springer, Elsevier, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor and Francis, Sage, etc. Regarding topics at all levels, with 03 national-level topics being implemented, 14 ministerial-level and equivalent-ministerial topics accepted (03 Nafosted topics; 11 ministerial/provincial/municipal topics), 89 university-level topics accepted, 598 scientific research works of 1,838 students completed with 457 winning topics, along with scientific products formed from the topics. UEH has increased the source of research topics and effectively exploited scientific research topics, applied research, transfer research, and promptly updated and disseminated new knowledge to the community and society through UEH's communication channels.
Along with that, UEH has focused on international research and cooperation to solve contemporary social problems. Nearly 50% of UEH's international publications are related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). International cooperation activities for the sustainable development of the community are implemented in a rich and diverse manner, including directly coordinating with public organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to discuss, to develop strategic policies, and to shape future models; Proactively initiating and participating in interdisciplinary dialogues on SDGs through domestic and international conferences and workshops; International cooperation in data collection and measurement for SDGs; Adoption and implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the framework of the 2030 Agenda; Collaboration with NGOs to address SDGs challenges through student volunteer programs, scientific research, and educational resource development. These efforts not only affirm UEH's role in contributing to the sustainable development of the community but also enhance their academic position in the international arena.
Number and impact of UEH's international publications related to the 16 UN Sustainable Development Goals from 2021-2024 (according to the data extracted from Scopus Database in December 2024)
International cooperation in scientific research has also been promoted in recent times. Implementing the regulations on research experts issued in 2021: by the end of 2024, UEH had more than 110 collaborating researchers and cooperative activities with these researchers. From this foundation, UEH has promoted academic research and international publications in prestigious and highly ranked journals in the world, increased UEH's academic reputation through strengthening the international research network, serving university rankings listed as QS Asia and THE, connecting international scientists, spreading the spirit of international publication, connecting internal and external resources, enhancing knowledge sharing inside and outside UEH to develop the quality of scientific research activities in a sustainable manner.
This year, UEH has achieved positive results in mobilizing international resources and expanding UEH University's network of relationships through actively participating in international projects. UEH University is currently participating in a total of 12 international projects, with 6 new projects approved in 2024, of which 4 have been launched and 2 will begin implementation in 2025. The projects have been bringing positive impacts on enhancing the reputation of UEH University, expanding the network of relationships, and especially practical significance for the community and society when the contents are implemented in the direction of sustainability, environmental protection, digital transformation and ensuring food security for the people. Some results include the evaluation of the nature-based solutions project with the general objective of researching nature-based solutions to enhance water security for urban water use in three cities in Southeast Asia: Chiang Rai, Can Tho and Phnom Penh. The GS4Infra project funded by the Mekong Think Tank Programme has developed solutions to address gender-sensitive issues arising in policy making and public sector development related to water, energy and climate change infrastructure, focusing on flood control dykes, irrigation canals and salinity control sluices in two communes in Cu Lao Dung District, Soc Trang Province, which are facing challenges from climate change and hydropower development upstream. The Empowering Change project aims to provide a course on climate change and sustainable development for female researchers in Ho Chi Minh City.
The GS4Infra project research team collected data in An Thanh Dong and An Thanh Nam Communes, Soc Trang Province with the support of the People's Committees, Women's Unions and Farmers' Associations of the two communes.
In 2024, various workshops were organized in a combination of online and offline, with the participation of international speakers and domestic researchers. UEH has organized 20 international conferences and seminars, including the following typical conferences: "International conference of business theories & practices" (iCOB 2024), The 3rd ArtTech Fusion International Activity Series (ATF24) and Keynote Speech "Blockchain and Commercial Art Exchange: Unfolding a Hype-Cycle", "6th Asia Conference on Business and Economics Studies", "The international conference on Business and Finance" (ICBF 2024); VIETTESOL International Conference: "Teaching English in the age of artificial intelligence", International conference on "Approaches to the Twin Transitions: Digitalization and Climate Change in Developing Countries" (ELG 2024), International Conference on "Resilience by Technology and Design" 2nd (RTD 2024). The seminars organized by UEH welcome professors and experts from prestigious organizations around the world, attracting the attention of the domestic and international scientific community.
Delegates taking photos at the opening session of the International Conference on Business Theories & Practices (iCOB 2024)
Images of the Opening Ceremony of the RTD Conference 2024
2024 marks a year of vibrant activities and important contributions of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) in the fields of scientific research, policy consulting and social criticism, with various typical events and publications of practical application and contribution to the sustainable development of the country. With the mission of fulfilling UEH's responsibility in training, research, consulting, policy criticism, contributing to the sustainable development of the country. UEH has organized 58 domestic seminars and workshops, notably the National Conference on "Economics, Law, Management and Sustainable Development under the Impact of the 2024 Land Law" at Vinh Long Campus. This conference provided an opportunity for researchers, experts and managers to discuss the impact of the 2024 Land Law on the economy, law, government and sustainable development. This contributes to not only analyzing opportunities and challenges but also proposing appropriate solutions to effectively implement the Land Law and the sustainable development of Vietnam. Within the framework of the national science and technology project "Digital economic development: Orientation and policy solutions" (code KX.04.22/21-25), UEH organized a workshop series in Hanoi, Vinh, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. The workshops focused on building a digital economic model, analyzing the role of the digital economy in socio-economic development, and proposing policy solutions suitable to the current context of Vietnam. The research results from the topic provide scientific and modern arguments supporting the Central Theoretical Council and agencies in developing documents to guide the promotion of the digital economy until 2030, with a vision to 2045.
Along with that, the Ho Chi Minh City Economic Report: Recovery and Challenges has been officially launched. This publication is conducted by UEH in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City Statistics Office to promote applied research, socio-economic analysis, and provide strategic information to serve the policy-making of the City's leaders. The report is an essential tool to support socio-economic management and operation and is an important reference document for domestic and foreign investors, enterprises, and business development orientation in Ho Chi Minh City. Most recently, the National Conference with the theme "Contributing to Vietnam's socio-economic development strategy for the 2025-2030 period " was held, aiming to prepare for the 14th National Congress of the Party. This is an opportunity for researchers, lecturers, and managers to discuss and to contribute scientific and practical ideas for socio-economic development strategies in the upcoming period. After the Conference, UEH synthesizes and sends a summary report to senior management agencies to support the development of national development policies.
The National Conference on Economics, Law, Management and Sustainable Development under the Impact of the 2024 Land Law
The Conference under the topic KX.04.22/21-25
Seminar launching the Ho Chi Minh City Economic Report
National Conference on “Contributing to Vietnam's Socio-Economic Development Strategy for the 2025-2030 Period”
The outstanding results in research activities in 2024 have affirmed that UEH's strategic orientation for research innovation is completely correct. This is the result of the wise leadership of UEH's leaders, the continuous efforts of its lecturers, staff, students and the close coordination of its affiliations. Entering 2025, UEH will continue to focus on strategic goals to improve the quality of research and closely connect with urgent social issues and global sustainable development goals, gradually affirming their pioneering role in putting scientific knowledge into practice and actively contributing to the sustainable development of the community. Continuing to maintain the current momentum, further promoting core values and effectively implementing innovative policies in scientific and technological activities associated with community interests, UEH will consolidate their academic reputation, and further develop their role as a multidisciplinary, sustainable, prestigious university domestically and internationally.
News and photos: Department of Research - Development and Global Engagement