UEH News

UEH in association with CBRE Vietnam organizing a career orientation and professional development workshop series in the field of valuation

UEH in association with CBRE Vietnam organizing a career orientation and professional development workshop series in the field of valuation

As part of the cooperation between the UEH College of Economics, Law and Government (CELG UEH) and CBRE Vietnam in 2024, in April and May, CELG UEH and CBRE Vietnam organized a workshop series on career orientation and professional development in the field of valuation and asset management. The series aimed to orient students' careers; concurrently, preparing and compensating knowledge, skills, and attitudes for them with the purpose of being ready to participate in the professional, international labor market with economic and cultural diversity.

Human resources graduates from UEH are always highly appreciated by international companies and corporations, as indicated in the quality evaluation of personnel - UEH alumni, working at big corporations and companies. The Valuation and Asset Management Program has signed a strategic partnership agreement with CBRE Vietnam - the world's leading real estate services consulting group. In addition to admitting intern students, business semesters or visits, the career orientation and professional development workshop series is also a part of the signed strategy to improve the quality of human resources in the valuation industry between UEH and CBRE.

On April 25, 2024, the first workshop by CELG UEH in collaboration with CBRE was held with the theme: "Từng bước vững chắc, nắm chắc thành công" for more than 100 Senior and Junior students at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH). This was an opportunity for students to be exposed to professional development strategies right from the first year of study at UEH.

From the Valuation Department, Ms. Ho Kim Oanh - Director and Mr. Nguyen Hoai Nam - Senior Manager of CBRE have shared valuable knowledge about risk control processes and quality management in the real estate appraisal process; and the unique points that contribute to enhancing the value of CBRE's valuation consulting services in the market.

Ms. Ho Kim Oanh - Director of Valuation Department and Mr. Nguyen Hoai Nam - Senior Manager of CBRE discussing with the students

Ms. Ho Thi Kim Oanh also introduced to the students outstanding faces at the company who are UEH alumni. A typical example is Mr. Vuong Thanh Phong - Associate Director - Head of Hanoi Valuation Team, former student of K37 Valuation program; and many other alumni who are currently holding important positions in the company at different departments.

Mr. Vuong Thanh Phong - Associate Director - Head of Hanoi Valuation Team, former student of K37 Valuation program

Students answering questions and receiving gifts from CBRE Vietnam

The second workshop took place on May 15, 2024 with the presentation by Ms. Pham Thi Kieu Nga - Director of CBRE Vietnam Human Resources Department on the topic of "Attitude and Qualification". The students were very excited about Ms. Pham Thi Kieu Nga's answer for the question "Attitude and qualifications; Which is more important?” Thereby, a personal development change plan suitable for each individual's career stage was suggested. The students were also divided into small groups to discuss and then present their detailed personal development plan according to the ASK competency model: Attitude (Attitude), Skills (Skills), and Knowledge (Knowledge).

The students confidently presenting their group's plans

CBRE offering many gifts to those who answered their questions and presented excellently

The workshop series ended, opening up many opportunities for career orientation and professional development for students. This was also an internship opportunity for final year students, and a learning orientation for senior and junior students; and is a guideline for freshmen to better understand their upcoming 3-year journey. The connection between the university and businesses in implementing cooperative activities between UEH and CBRE is the foundation for the responsibility of building and developing a high-quality human resource market meeting international standards in the field of real estate valuation and asset management.

News and photos: School of Economics, CELG Office