UEH News

Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) is officially indexed in ERIM 2024‒2028

Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) is officially indexed in ERIM 2024‒2028

On July 20, 2024, the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) was officially indexed in the ERIM Journal List. This is good news following JABES maintaining its Q1 ranking in SCOPUS in 2024.

The ERIM Journal List is a compilation of high-quality journals in management research, curated by the Erasmus Research Institute of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands. The list includes all management research journals relevant to ERIM's research programs. The evaluation method for the journals is based on peer review and impact factor scores.

Journals in the ERIM Journal List must demonstrate scientific quality and relevance to management research, be led by editorial boards from internationally renowned universities with high expertise, and have rigorous peer review processes with high impact factor data. JABES currently achieves impact factors of 3.9 and 3.3 in 2022 and 2023, respectively, and continues to maintain its Q1 ranking in SCOPUS in 2024.

This achievement once again demonstrates the efforts of JABES to continuously improve academic quality and strictly select research articles that meet international standards. Along with that are the valuable support and resources from the Ministry of Education and Training, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, and the contributions of domestic and international researchers.

(Source: https://www.erim.eur.nl/about-erim/erim-journals-list-ejl/)

Following the good news of the ERIM Journal List, JABES is preparing for the Joint Asian Conference on Business and Economic Studies (JACBES), which takes place from August 28‒30, 2024, at Udayana University (UNUD), Bali, Indonesia. The conference attracts nearly 500 submissions, and after a selection process, 250 quality papers will be presented at the 3-day conference series. The total number of authors submitting papers has been more than 700, and the number of authors registering to present has been 300 from 182 universities from more than 40 countries around the world.

The JACBES Conference will feature five international scientists as keynote speakers:

Prof. Subal C. Kumbhakar - Binghamton University, United States; Co-Editor of Empirical Economics, ABDC: B, SCOPUS, SSCI;

Prof. Michelle Greenwood - Monash University, Australia; Co-Editor of Journal of Business Ethics, FT50, ABDC A, SCOPUS, SSCI;

Prof. Rebecca Thornton - Baylor University, United States;

Prof. Gabriel S. Lee - University of Regensburg, Germany; Editor of Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, ABDC: B, SCOPUS, ESCI;

Dr. Dong Nguyen - Durham University, United Kingdom; Co-Editor of International Journal of Educational Management, ABDC: B, SCOPUS, ESCI.

The JACBES conference is sponsored by the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (SCOPUS Q1, ABDC: B, ESCI), International Finance (SCOPUS Q2, ABDC: B, SSCI), Evaluation Review (SCOPUS Q2, ABDC: A, SSCI), and Journal of Economics and Development (SCOPUS, ACI). In addition, the conference also includes discussion sessions for graduate students and meetings with editors-in-chief of journals about international publishing experiences.

The Joint Asian Conference on Business and Economic Studies 2024 is the first year to be held in Indonesia with university partners having academic and research fellowships with the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. The conference is an opportunity for international researchers, graduate students, managers, and policymakers to meet and participate in policy discussions and propose new research. Once again, JABES has affirmed its position as a prestigious journal not only domestically, but also widely spread and influential in the academic community.

News and photos: JABES