UEH News

Launching the Architectural Plan Competition for Campus 2 of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long

Launching the Architectural Plan Competition for Campus 2 of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long

With the mission of taking the responsibilities of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) in training, research, consulting, policy criticism, contributing to the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta region, investing in modern facilities that meet the needs of training, scientific research and technology transfer is extremely necessary. In order to find new, modern and suitable architectural ideas and plans for the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Campus 2 project in Vinh Long, UEH officially launched the Architectural Plan Competition with a total award value of up to 130 million VND.

After nearly 5 years of implementing the mission of training and providing high-quality human resources to the region, UEH Vinh Long Campus has witnessed growth in the scale and the number of programs. So far, UEH Vinh Long Campus has implemented 15 programs in various fields, reaching a total scale of more than 2,600 students of all levels, including 667 Master's students, nearly 1,800 full-time undergraduate students, 300 part-time students, and over 8,000 short-term learners every year, meeting the training and fostering needs to improve the qualifications of learners in the region. Along with that is the effort to bring a modern and dynamic learning environment for students, which aligns with international standard educational orientation.

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Along with education and training activities, UEH-VLC's scientific research activities also reaped impressive results with a significant increase in the total number of research projects; reaching 425 research projects since 2020 with many of them published in prestigious international journals in ISI and Scopus in addition book chapters and research projects at all levels. These have served the work of training, encouraging and guiding scientific research. The organization of conferences, seminars and training programs for the community is also carried out enthusiastically and with great investment at the Campus with an average of 5 conferences/year (at international, national, regional, and local levels), contributing to promoting research and innovation for the economy and society of Vinh Long province in particular and the Mekong Delta region in general.

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With the goal of bringing the international community to the locality, UEH Vinh Long Campus has become the regional center of UEH's international cooperation activities, welcoming more than 268 international experts, lecturers and students to visit, study and transfer knowledge. At the same time, community activities and local actions were also successfully implemented by UEH at the Campus, such as startup project incubation activities, summer volunteering, building local projects, promoting the new rural development program, etc. In particular, aiming at sharing knowledge and innovation for the community, we must mention the UEH Global project with meaningful activities deployed in the Mekong Delta recently that contributed to affirming UEH's role and commitment to the region.

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With encouraging progress in all fields, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Vinh Long Campus has made extensive contributions to the education of undergraduate, postgraduate, and fostering degrees, short-term training, scientific research and technology transfer of UEH. It can be stated that the importance, the position as well as the need for training, scientific research and technology transfer at UEH Vinh Long are huge. Therefore, investing in modern, optimal facilities to serve these needs is extremely necessary and receives special attention from UEH.

In order to find new, modern and suitable architectural ideas and plans aligning with the meaning and role of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City Campus 2 project in Vinh Long province, UEH officially started a contest for architectural plans for with a total prize value of up to 130 million VND.

With the support and facilitation of Vinh Long Province, Campus 2 of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long Province will be located on a 1.43ha campus in Plot No. 229, map sheet No. 21, Phuoc Hau Commune, Long Ho District, Vinh Long Province. With the goal of building a modern, dynamic, creative, green and sustainable architectural space, Vinh Long Campus 2 will be fully equipped with conditions and resources for training, research, and technology transfer.

This not only means a place to provide high-quality human resources for the Mekong Delta region but also is developed to attract the attention of domestic and international researchers and experts as they work and visit Vinh Long province. For that reason, the Vinh Long Campus 2 has many expectations and specific requirements right from the beginning with proposed design plans that are sustainable, modern and optimal for educational activities.

On June 12, 2024, UEH officially announced the invitation to compete in architectural plans for Campus 2 of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long province. The competition took place in the form of a public audition, aiming to gather new, modern ideas and architectural plans aligning with the meaning and role of the project and the enthusiasm of the school. The jury includes leading researchers, educators, and experienced architects in Vinh Long Province. On behalf of UEH, they will choose a plan to form the foundation for the construction of a high-quality UEH training and knowledge space in Vinh Long.

Participation requirements:

- All domestic and international design consulting organizations with experience and professional capacity in accordance with current regulations can register to participate in the competition.

- Organizations can enter into joint ventures to register for the competition. Each organization can only participate in one joint venture. All issues regarding rights, interests, and obligations between the parties in the joint venture are agreed upon by the parties themselves

Prize scheme:

- Prize A: 70 million VND.

- Prize B: 40 million VND.

- Prize C: 20 million VND.

- Design consulting organizations that do not win awards are supported with 5 million VND for each participating organization with a valid profile.

Time plan for the exam:

- Announcing information and inviting entries: From June 12, 2024.

- Receiving registration from units: From June 12 - 19, 2024

- Participating units competing: From June 20 to July 15, 2024.

- Receiving applications: From June 20  to July 18, 2024.

- The council judges the exam and participating units defend the plan: From July 19 to July 20, 2024.

- The Council sends the results to the investor for consideration and recognition of the results: July 22, 2024.

- Announcement and awarding of contest prizes: July 24, 2024.

The investment project to build Campus 2 of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long is a strategic step consistent with the development goals of UEH in particular and necessary for economic - social development in Vinh Long province and the region in general. Therefore, the project received great attention from the government and people of Vinh Long province as well as the Southwestern provinces and the Mekong Delta. With the care and effort put into this project, Vinh Long Campus 2 is expected to become a prestigious training, consulting, and applied research center in the country and the region. UEH looks forward to receiving the participation and enthusiastic response of units, organizations and individuals.

Organizations and individuals participating in the competition can download Detail announcementsDocuments and information pages related to the competition or directly contact the competition Organizing Committee to be provided with the files.