UEH News

Prof. Mindy Chen-Wishart visiting and exchanging her experiences with Law lecturers and students at UEH College of Economics, Law and Government

Prof. Mindy Chen-Wishart visiting and exchanging her experiences with Law lecturers and students at UEH College of Economics, Law and Government

Implementing the policy of internationalization in training and research, UEH College of Economics, Law and Government (CELG-UEH) has worked and exchanged academic experiences with lecturers and researchers from different countries. From November 16, 2023 - November 18, 2023, CELG-UEH met and worked with Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Former Dean of Oxford Law Faculty, currently an honorary professor at Oxford University, who would share the results of her research and teaching experience in law.

Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart held the position of Dean of the Law Faculty at Oxford University until September 30, 2023. She is one of the world's leading research scholars specializing in the field of Contract Law. The professor is the author of a number of highly reputable specialized books such as Contract Law (1st to 7th editions) (Oxford University Press), Contents of Contracts and Unfair Terms (2020), Contract and Reciprocity: The Hochelaga Annual Lectures of the Hong Kong University Law Faculty (Hochelaga 2011).

On the morning of November 16, 2023, CELG-UEH Leadership and the faculty of the School of Law had a working session with Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart. Attending the meeting, on UEH's side, there was the presence of Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Khanh Nam - Vice Head of CELG-UEH; Dr. Duong Kim The Nguyen - Dean of the School of Law; Dr. Nguyen Thi Anh - Vice Dean of the School of Law; Dr. Tran Huynh Thanh Nghi - Director of Economic Law program; Dr. Lu Lam Uyen - Director of the International Business Law program and lecturers of the School of Law.

Overview of the exchange session

Within the framework of the meeting, CELG-UEH and the School of Law informed the Professor about training capacity, research ability and the need for international cooperation in the field of law. The professor also shared her personal experiences in teaching and research and hoped to strengthen connections with researchers, graduate students, lecturers of UEH in general, and lecturers of the School of Law in specific, especially in the field of Contract Law through research projects.

On the afternoon of November 16, 2023, Professor. Mindy Chen delivered a lecture on the topic "Legal Transplants in Asian Contract Law" to lecturers, graduate and undergraduate students of the School of Law. The professor shared the content on evaluating the situation of legal transplants in the contract law systems of Asian countries, the conditions for transplants and the effectiveness of legal transplants. In addition, the professor opened up many topics about the vitality of law after transplants and the changes in the contract legal system in Asian countries.

The inspiring lecture of Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart at the UEH College of Economics, Law and Government not only suggested valuable ideas for research on comparative contract law but also demonstrated the method for lectures to present lively to students.

Prof. Mindy Chen lecturing on Contract Law in Asia

Continuing the series, on the morning of November 17, 2023, Professor Mindy Chen-Wishart had a meeting and discussed with students of the School of Law about research experiences and self-study methods to improve knowledge and skills about Contract Law.

Mr. Mai Nguyen Dung and Professor Mindy Chen discussing self-study methods of Law students

Throughout the exchange, UEH students were shared Prof. Mindy Chen’s experiences of teaching in different countries. She also guided the students on ways to improve their self-study ability and access to resources. At the same time, she evoked topics about contracts in the new context of society. The students expressed their excitement when participating in discussions with the professor and expressed their hope that UEH would continue to organize more such thematic activities.

The students being questioned

The professor was very surprised and excited by the students' ability to ask questions and communicate regarding contract law issues. The professor commented that CELG-UEH has created a dynamic environment to help the students maximize their ability to exchange, present and express personal opinions. She hoped to see them again in the future with new research articles and contributions to the world's academia.

The sharing session took place successfully in an intimate and close atmosphere between both parties. With sharing compiled from the teaching and research experiences of Prof. Mindy Chen, lecturer, UEH graduate and undergraduate students summarized for themself knowledge in the field of law to apply in practice in the future. The meeting was a premise to open up more cooperation between UEH and Prof. Mindy Chen-Wishart in the future.

Professor Mindy Chen taking some photos with UEH-CELG leaders

School of Law lecturers taking some photos with the professor

Prof. Mindy Chen presenting her books to Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Khanh Nam

Mr. Mai Nguyen Dung presenting flowers to thank Professor Mindy Chen

Additional photos regarding the event:

News and photos: UEH College of Economics, Law and Government