UEH News

Results of The Architectural Design Competition for Campus 2 
of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long Province: 
Open, Modern, Green & Sustainable Design Winning The Award

Results of The Architectural Design Competition for Campus 2 of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long Province: Open, Modern, Green & Sustainable Design Winning The Award

After nearly 5 years of operation, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) Campus in Vinh Long Province has gradually been affirmed, aiming to become a "hub" of UEH in the Mekong region, with the mission of providing high-quality human resources for a sustainable Mekong Delta. Since July 2024, UEH has launched the Architectural Design Competition for Campus 2 of this Branch. On August 3, 2024, UEH officially announced the winning projects.

The project of Investment and Construction of Campus 2 of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long Province (UEH-Vinh Long) is located on land plot No. 229, map sheet No. 21, Phuoc Hau Commune, Long Ho District, Vinh Long Province, with an area of ​​approximately 1.43 hectares. The project is located in the administrative and civil area of ​​Long Ho District, a separate space from National Route 53, adjacent to a 15m planning road and a long frontage, and is expected to become a prominent architectural space for Vinh Long Province in particular and the Mekong Delta in general.

With the theme ‘modern, creative and sustainable university model while being imbrued with the local culture of the Southwest region’, the Architectural Design Competition for the Investment Project on Building the 2nd Campus of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) in Vinh Long Province has attracted the attention of various units and consulting consortia to participate and submit products since its launch in July 2024.

The jury, consisting of experienced experts and architects, discussed and exchanged details with the participating units to understand the projects from ideas, styles, and design language to visualization capabilities as well as adherence to the design task. Based on that, they scored and selected the best competition plan.

On August 3, 2024, UEH issued a decision approving the exam results of the competition (Decision No. 508/QD-DHKT-TCKHDT) as follows:

01 second prize was awarded to the participating project coded VL08 with a score of 88 of ON+ Construction Design Consulting Co., Ltd. (the competition could not find a first prize-winning project that fully satisfied all criteria).

02 third prizes were awarded to 2 plans: the plan coded MV01 with a score of 60.25 from Minh Vu Construction and Trading Consulting Company Limited and the plan coded HA75 with a score of 60 points from HARCO Construction Architecture Joint Stock Company.

In particular, with the idea of ​​‘park in university’ and ‘forest in university’, the second prize-winning project coded VL08 of ON+ Construction Design Consulting Co., Ltd. with open, modern, green, sustainable space design was selected for further revision according to requirements and to implement the next steps of the project.

Below are some images of the selected second prize winning project VL08:

The main facade of the project

Interior space when entering

The green core internal garden for the project combining the ideas of "park in university" and "running track in university"

Lobby and entrance space

A poetic functional path

Outdoor Incubation - A Space for Creativity

With a modern, green, sustainable design and connected with local cultural identity, the Investment Project to build the 2nd Campus of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long Province is expected to bring the best experiences, meeting international standards from learning space, research space, connection, and living space.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President of UEH - remarked: UEH hopes that the successful implementation of the competition and the realization of this project design idea will be a necessary and worthy investment for UEH Vinh Long on the journey to becoming a "hub" for developing high-quality human resources contributing to the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta .

A Concept Video of the selected project

The project winning the second prize with the ideas of "park in university" and "forest in university"

News and photos: UEH Department of Finance and Investment Planning, UEH Vinh Long Campus