UEH News

UNIVERSITY ADMISSION 2024: Admission and Career Orientation Day in Ho Chi Minh City 2024 – UEH attracting a large number of parents and students to learn about 56 multi-disciplinary programs

UNIVERSITY ADMISSION 2024: Admission and Career Orientation Day in Ho Chi Minh City 2024 – UEH attracting a large number of parents and students to learn about 56 multi-disciplinary programs

On March 3, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) and nearly 100 domestic and foreign universities, colleges, intermediate schools, and study-abroad consulting centers participated in the University Admission and Career Orientation Day in Ho Chi Minh City at the University of Technology (Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City), organized by Tuoi Tre newspaper in coordination with the Department of Higher Education (Ministry of Education and Training), General Department of Vocational Training, and the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs. 

This was an annual consulting activity for student candidates before registering for university admission in 2024. In addition, the orientation day was also an information provider to help students and parents understand more about programs offered by UEH. 

On that day, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao - Deputy Director of University of Economics (UEH) Ho Chi Minh City - was invited to conduct face-to-face consultation sessions with the Ministry of Education and Training and major universities in the city to answer all concerns of candidates and parents.

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao - Deputy Director of UEH, member of the Advisory Board (fourth from the right)

Answering questions from parents interested in economics about which sector is forecasted to have the greatest job opportunities for the next 5 years, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao shared: "Most students and parents want to choose a major that suits the needs of society to have wide job opportunities. However, in the current context of the country and world economy, it is difficult to make accurate forecasts for the next few years regarding which occupations will have the most job opportunities. In particular, in the current booming technology era, the behavior of consumers and regulators has changed a lot. Current training trends are transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary, cross-disciplinary, and multi-disciplinary. Professions that have combined knowledge and skills in different fields will be secure for future university degree holders.

Currently, there has been a trend of combining the application of science and technology, digital transformation, and artificial intelligence to solve traditional economic problems. Don't equate college with seeking a job. At university, what students enjoy is self-study and self-research to change and upgrade themselves so that their university degree is never old or outdated, no matter how the economy develops.

Therefore, choosing a career that matches the development trend of society is important;however, what is equally important is how to study and study at what school. We need to choose a major that suits our qualities. If we choose to study a trendy field, but we are not suitable for it, we cannot exploit our full potential to develop. You should choose careers that resonate and are combined with the trend of technology explosion and innovation." 

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao answering parents' questions

In addition to direct consultation sessions with universities, UEH held in-depth consultation activities at its booth with the participation of lecturers and experts from UEH College of Business, College of Economics and Law and Government, College of Technology and Design, Vinh Long Campus, and Department of Training to help students from provinces and cities better understand the 56 multi-disciplinary programs at UEH, especially new programs starting to enroll in 2024 (ArtTech and Intelligent Control and Automation), along with new features in the university admissions season 2024. 

In-depth consulting activities at the UEH booth attracting many parents and students

At the same time, parents and students can directly experience the "ArtTech, Architecture, Robotics" exhibition, displaying technology, art, and products designed by students of the College of Technology and Design with their specialized knowledge.

Students learning 3D printers used in the learning process of the Architecture and Smart City Design program

The students had the opportunity to experience Smart Robots, Robots dancing to music, Automatic Water Puppet performances, and applications of the programs: Intelligent Control and Automation Engineering; Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering; Logistics Technology Engineering

Responding to a reporter from Tuoi Tre Newspaper at the exhibition, Ms. Vu Tuong Quyen, lecturer in the School of Media Design, College of Technology and Design, affirmed: "This is the first year of the Arttech program to be taught in Vietnam. Arttech is the intersection of technology and art. Those studying this major must love new technology and art to be able to create products that are closer to users in the digital age. This year, the school enrolls 70 students in Arttech. They will study with international lecturers from China, Italy, Korea, Germany, and France."

Students experiencing the VR game, applications of ArtTech, and  Digital Communication and Multimedia Design programs

As a key, national multidisciplinary university, UEH puts the responsibility of sustainable career orientation first, supporting the young generation to have a comprehensive and in-depth view of professions, thereby helping them to choose appropriate programs and become the best version of themselves. UEH always accompanies and is a friend to support students on their journey to conquer their university dreams.

Further details regarding UEH's sustainable admission and career orientation journey in nearly 30 localities can be found HERE

Additional photos regarding the Admissions and Career Orientation Day, HCM 2024:

News and photos: Department of Marketing and Communication, Department of Undergraduate Training