UEH News

Workshop on "Systematic literature review in accounting" organized by the School of Accounting, UEH College of Business

Workshop on "Systematic literature review in accounting" organized by the School of Accounting, UEH College of Business

On April 26, 2024, the School of Accounting, UEH College of Business (UEH – COB) organized a hybrid workshop on systematic literature review for theses, dissertations and international publications that received the participation of 2 speakers, Dr. Man Duy (Marty) Pham, University of Auckland, New Zealand and Dr. Nguyen Ha Thanh - UEH College of Business.

Attending the Workshop, from the School of Accounting, UEH - COB, there were Dr. Tran Anh Hoa – Dean of the School, Heads/Deputies of Departments, Program Directors, Lecturers, and PhD candidates of the School of Accounting. From the University of Auckland, New Zealand, there was the participation of Speaker Dr. Man Duy (Marty) Pham, Business School, Accounting and Finance Department.

Opening the program, Dr. Tran Anh Hoa - Dean of the School of Accounting - delivered a speech and presented a souvenir to Speaker Dr. Man Duy (Marty) Pham, Business School, Accounting and Finance Department.

Dr. Tran Anh Hoa - Dean of the School of Accounting - at the Workshop

Dr. Tran Anh Hoa presenting a souvenir to Speaker Dr. Man Duy (Marty) Pham on behalf of the School

The program was followed by a presentation by Speaker Dr. Man Duy (Marty) Pham, Business School, Accounting and Finance Department, the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He shared with attendees the need for a systematic literature review and the 6 steps to follow as well as the points to note in each of these steps.

Speaker Dr. Man Duy (Marty) Pham

Following the workshop was a presentation by Dr. Nguyen Ha Thanh - Lecturer of the School of Accounting, UEH College of Business - on how to write a literature review article to be published through his research in the Australian Journal of Management (ABDC, A).

Dr. Nguyen Ha Thanh

Q&A session from Lecturers and PhD candidates of the School of Accounting to the Speakers

Through the workshop, participants gained valuable experience from two speakers in writing systematic literature reviews for research projects, doctoral theses, and review articles.

Lecturers and PhD candidates of the School of Accounting taking a photo with the speaker Dr. Man Duy (Marty) Pham at the end of the Workshop

News and photos: School of Accounting - COB