UEH News

The Opening of International Scientific Conference on Technology and Design RTD 2024: Promote Sustainable Action

The Opening of International Scientific Conference on Technology and Design RTD 2024: Promote Sustainable Action

RTD 2024, which is to take place within 4 days from July 15-18, 2024 in Ho Chi Minh City (UEH - Campus B, 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong) and in the Mekong Delta (UEH - Vinh Long Branch), is co-hosted by UEH School of Technology and Design and UEH - Vinh Long Branch, with more than 60 keynote speeches, special sessions and parallel sessions related to promoting sustainability through technology and design.

On the morning of July 15, the RTD 2024 Conference officially opened at Campus B UEH with the participation of Dr. Sangwoo Park - Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea (MOLIT) and delegation; Prof. Álvaro Barbosa - Vice President of Saint Joseph University, Macao; Prof. Min Sangwon - Vice President of Kwangwoon University, Korea; Prof. Wim Van Haver Beak - University of Antwerp, Belgium; Prof. Wei-Chih Lin - National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan; Prof. Kelly Shannon - KU Leuven University, Belgium; Prof. Bruno De Meulder - KU Leuven University, Belgium; Prof. Lesly Goh - Senior Academic Fellow, Former CTO of the World Bank Group; Prof. Karen Tagulao - Saint Joseph University, Macao; Prof. Javed I.Khan - Kent State University, USA.

On the UEH side, there were Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of the University Council; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President of UEH; Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Vice President of UEH; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet - Chairman of the Strategy and Policy Advisory Council; together with the Board of Directors of UEH member schools, leaders of faculties, institutes and units under UEH.

Overview of the opening ceremony of RTD 2024 workshop

Giving a speech at the Opening, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong welcomed the speakers and experts from all over the world who gathered at RTD to exchange ideas on building a better future. He shared: “As a leading university in Vietnam, pursuing a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable strategy, UEH has a strong belief in promoting the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) through education and research. Recently, UEH has implemented many initiatives to support the application of SDGs through projects, research and implementation of innovative solutions to solve social problems. These actions not only directly impact awareness but also inspire the younger generation and each individual today towards a better future.

From creating a sustainable Green Campus to moving towards a circular economy through research, UEH is making a multi-dimensional impact across multiple areas of technology and innovation. And the RTD Conference is an efforts to reach out internationally and is creating promising collaborations between different researchers around the world to work together on global development solutions.”

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong delivered the opening speech at the RTD 2024 Conference

The Conference session in Ho Chi Minh City with the theme "Fostering Sustainability - Promoting sustainability" takes place from July 15-16, 2024. The workshop focused on exploring the important role of advanced technology, innovative design methods, and comprehensive data analytics in creating solutions that align with the principles of environmental responsibility, economic viability, and economic potential, and social justice towards urban, regional and societal sustainability. This is an opportunity for domestic and international scholars and businesses to exchange, to cooperate, to transfer science, engineering, technology and to develop technology and design solutions with a focus on enhancing resilience capabilities for communities in a new era of change and uncertainty.

The Conference session in Ho Chi Minh City includes a series of activities as follows: 8 discussion sessions, 11 special sessions and parallel discussion sessions. In addition, the program has an exhibition of research works, products, new applications and interactive experiences from businesses, for example: Renewable Energy model exhibition, Piano playing robot, Robot Receptionist, Coffee making robot, Hologram receptionist and more.

Dr. Sangwoo Park - Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of Korea (MOLIT) presented on the experience of developing smart cities in Korea on the morning of July 15, 2024.

Prof. Alvaro Barbosa - Vice President of Saint Joseph University, Macau presented the topic “Standardizing Sustainability: Neuroscience Research and AI Technology in Macau”

The RTD 2024 Conference session held at UEH - Vinh Long Campus on July 17, 2024 focused on the topic "For a More Sustainable Mekong Delta - Towards a more sustainable Mekong Delta", on the basis of technology and design, with the purpose of proposing solutions to promote more sustainable development for the Mekong Delta region, listed as nature-based development, socio-ecological transformation, sustainable agriculture, innovation and so on.

In addition to the main discussion sessions taking place on July 17, 2024, RTD 2024 organizes a field visit program in the Mekong Delta on July 18, 2024. This program is designed to give experts, speakers, lecturers, students and attendees the opportunity to directly observe and to experience practice in one of Vietnam's key regions. This tour not only helps to better understand the challenges and opportunities in sustainable development but also facilitates exchanges and connections with the local community.

RTD 2024 promises to bring attendees in-depth knowledge, updates on the latest trends, as well as analysis of new, unique and multi-dimensional perspectives. This is an opportunity to learn from leading experts in the fields of technology and design.

* Get the conference schedule HERE.

* Get speaker information HERE.

Delegates attending RTD 2024 take souvenir photos

Additional photos at the Opening of RTD 2024:

News and photos: UEH Department of Marketing and Communication