UEH News

Factors Affecting Business Performance of Insurance Enterprises in Vietnam

Factors Affecting Business Performance of Insurance Enterprises in Vietnam

In 2020, in the context of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution and the complicated Covid-19 epidemic, businesses in Vietnam in general and businesses in the insurance sector in particular are facing many profound changes. In this research article, the author will focus on understanding and evaluate the factors affecting the business performance of insurance enterprises in accordance with the research data collected from the business results of 10 businesses in 2020.

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From multidisciplinary research to sustainable action community

From multidisciplinary research to sustainable action community

On the evening of January 15, 2024, at the Launching Ceremony of UEH Student Scientific Research 2024, Representatives of the Project Committee shared the topic "From multidisciplinary research to a community of sustainable action", giving students a new and practical research approach, while creating a bridge to bring them closer to sustainable development in the UEH community.

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New Year, New Beginning at UEH English Zone

New Year, New Beginning at UEH English Zone

The first month of 2024 has come to an end. Despite busy preparations for the New Year and completion of personal projects, our lovely participants enthusiastically joined us at UEH English Zone, opening a wonderful 2024 of EZ. Let’s look back on some exhilarating sessions at EZ during this January!

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Exchange program with business delegations of IMBA alumni of University of Hong Kong and Fudan University, China

Exchange program with business delegations of IMBA alumni of University of Hong Kong and Fudan University, China

On January 18, 2024, at campus B - 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong, District 10, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) successfully organized "Exchange program with businesses for IMBA alumni of the University of Hong Kong and Fudan University, China".

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Achieving 7.0 IELTS Writing

Achieving 7.0 IELTS Writing

In recent years, studying and taking the IELTS have grown in importance and competitiveness in Vietnam, especially for students looking to improve their English in order to prepare for college and university admissions, work applications, and study abroad opportunities. Consequently, getting high scores on the IELTS is becoming more and more important, particularly for the hardest skill: writing.

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Motivation and Discipline: A perfect dual for success

Motivation and Discipline: A perfect dual for success

Have you ever got a whole list of plans, resolutions, feeling fully energized and ready to conquer them all but ended up giving up just after 2,3 or even 1 day? How about waking up every morning but have no clue what should be done and sit there wondering what is going wrong in your life?

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More than 700 high school students participating in the experience program "Exploring Potential with UEH"

More than 700 high school students participating in the experience program "Exploring Potential with UEH"

On January 20 and 21, 2024, more than 700 students from Bui Thi Xuan High School, Lam Dong and Chi Lang High School, Gia Lai visited University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) to participate in the experience program "Exploring Potential with UEH".

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Series Commending UEH 5-Good Students 2023 - Honoring Each Individual's Journey of Self-Development Efforts

Series Commending UEH 5-Good Students 2023 - Honoring Each Individual's Journey of Self-Development Efforts

From January 3-13, 2024, at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), the series commending UEH 5-good Students 2023 with the theme "Accretion" was organized by the UEH Student Association to celebrate the 74th Anniversary of Vietnamese Students and the Student Association (January 9, 1950 - January 9, 2024) and commend UEH students for their excellent achievements in the past 2023 year.

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Vietnam - Australia international student exchange program: QUT Study Tour 2024

Vietnam - Australia international student exchange program: QUT Study Tour 2024

In the early atmosphere of 2024, the international student exchange program between University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) and Queensland University of Technology (QUT) took place from January 8 to January 14, 2024. The program was designed to serve as a course for Australian students while also providing them with a practical and experiential learning tour in Vietnam. The program was successfully executed with enthusiastic participation from students of both nations, engaging in cultural exchange activities and enhancing academic knowledge on globally relevant topics.

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